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"heels bigger than your dick"

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"heels bigger than your dick"

≿ ———————— ❈ ———————— ≾

"Goodbye, Maeve, we shall see you for the Christmas holidays. Look after your sister."

"Goodbye Mother, Father."

And that was it.

No "I love you, Maeve" or "Have a nice time, Maeve"

Oh well, it wasn't like she was one for stupid pleasantries such as that anyway. Like her parents, she hated saying anything more than necessary - although she did find it funny to reflect on how different that attitude was to mostly all other families.

She was fine with things the way they were.

Her black high-heels clicked against the solid floor of the platform as she walked to the scarlet train in front of her. The Hogwarts Express. When she was in first year it was the most astonishing and beautiful thing to her, but now it was just a big train, it's strange how your perception of something can change so dramatically over time.

After putting her trunk away, she walked into the train to try and find her friends who she knew would already be here. As she walked down the corridor there were a group of boys completely in her way, they were just standing there talking - who does that? Very inconvenient.

She whipped out her wand and flicked it towards the boys, this repelled them apart and pressed them up against the wall so she could walk past.

"Thanks for moving, Black," She teased Sirius, the only person she knew properly in that group (from all the pureblood functions they had to go to).

"Piss off Snake," He groaned.

"Don't call me snake," She called behind her, finishing the conversation as she continued down the corridor.

She swayed her hips behind her as she walked into the typically Slytherin dominated part of the train and looked for her friends.

Stepping into the compartment nearest the back she was met with the sight of her friends. Her friends: hated by the majority of the students that weren't Slytherins, her friends were reknowned throughout the school.

Her first and probably closest friend was Narcissa Black. Cissa was a striking girl, she had long, dark hair with a bleach blonde highlight running through it. Her face was pale and soft, with big brown eyes and ever-smiling lips. She appeared very 'unslytherin' compared to everyone else, but she could be very evil.

Second was Elizabeth Avery. Liz was tall and threatening, and although she was just a fifth year even seventh years were scared of her. With her sharp nails and black hair pulled back into tight french braids she was a good person to be allied with, no one bothered the Slytherins when Liz was near.

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