Little Ones

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(The newer generation of actual altean children have powers. Kinda like Haggar's.)

"Hey it looks just brand new!" Shiro exclaims, taking the helmet from the smaller's hands. "Yeah, Hunk and I fixed it." There's silence for a moment, then Shiro asks. "How's he doing?" Pidge sighs sadly, rubbing her nose under her glasses.

"He's coping, like the rest of us." She mumbles, sitting down beside him. "He fixed the lion, it's running perfectly." Shiro nods turning the helmet over, in both hands. "You're right."

"Do you think he would still be here? If something happened differently?" Shiro shrugs not wanting to talk about what he's been debating, for a while now. "I don't know, all I know is we can get through this."

"It's- Done." Hunk groans, wiping his forehead. "It looks great buddy, this is amazing." Keith pats the leg of the lion, looking down to his exhausted friend. A sad smile painted on both their faces, Hunk's face turns hard. The small, sad smile disappearing as soon as it came. "Now I've got to find something else to work on."

With that he leaves, the other just sitting there in silence. Coran and Allura are hiding their hurt for the most part, distracting themselves. The ginger has cleaned the castle over five times, and Allura just stays at the helm. The one paladin that hasn't been mentioned, has changed..

  He didn't die (rare ik) and it's not like he doesn't exist. He turned on them, out of the blue actually. He was also the leader of Voltron, but did that stop him? No. He lashed out, his eyes not quite showing his rage. Then he ran off, took the bayard, and the lion. He's been hitting outposts, and all sorts of other things.

  Everyone was shocked, and they couldn't figure out why he did it. They missed him, and honestly he wouldn't admit it, but he regrets his choice sometimes.

  "Commander Lance. We have news on a nearby outpost, and the package we've been searching for." A scratchy old voice says from behind him, he turns to face the person. "Yes thank you Honerva. I'll be on my way, call a battle cruiser to join me." And with that the tan man walks off, to his hangar.

Why our bb tripped out

   "Awaken my new creation." A booming voice was heard, and he can remember waking up. The bright neon light flashes in his eyes, and he can't feel most of his body. He doesn't even feel himself breathing.

  "You must be wondering what happened young paladin. I'll tell you and in exchange for your cooperation, I will let your fellow paladins live." The scratchy voice proposes, and he nods sweat beading down his face. "After your last fight with us, we managed to grab you and the black lion. We upgraded you aswell, both new galra tech arms. As well  as one of your legs, these test trials on you ran smoothly and now you're awake. And here's what you've got to do to stay alive and keep your friends too." Finally placing a face to the voice, it's Haggar. She walks around the examination table, right up to Lance.

  "You'll return to them for a short time, then make a scene of why you can no longer stay with Voltron. Take off with the black lion and come back here. You will be given an honorable rank, and you'll gain the most respect. Ruling galra ranks, taking back what should have never been lost. Do you understand?"

  The tan man nods again, and they let him off. When he's more awake, they suit him back up in his broken armor. Two soldiers lead him to black, with instructions on what to do. And how they'll be monitoring him.

  Out in space, just far enough away from the galra settlement he put out a signal. It was immediately found, and the ship appeared out of a wormhole. "Paladin Lance do you copy?" Shiro's voice echos through the com, "I'm here Shiro." His voice raspy and broken. Black's hangar opens, and they fly in. He's not ready to face the others, not yet.

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