Youtuber Au

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He sighed as he stretched his back, "Pidge come record with me!" Keith yelled through the house immediately hearing several footsteps leading to his room. "Deal!" He shouts pulling up the extra chair, "this is gonna be so fun!"

Pidge and Keith are best friends, they live together in this huge house. They have another roommate, Hunk Pidge's boyfriend. They all share rent and they all make decent money, because they're all YouTubers!
They met at a fan meet up, bonding immediately. Keith asked if he could move in with them, they agreed.

Keith gets the camera ready, "okay Pidge! What do you think we should do in the video?" "Maybe just do a vlog? Walk around and stuff? Show them red!?!?" He screeches the last part, Keith chuckles and nods grabbing his camera. He turns it on and does his intro, then shows the camera every spot in the house. His last stop was red, the beautiful cat. It is unique to say the least, it's long fur is red, and it has a lion's mane. Red just showed up one day and Keith kept it.

"Don't turn the camera off yet!" Pidge screeches and Keith aims it to him. "If you're not a killer or anything like that contact Keith through his email! We have three empty rooms for three new roommates!"
Then Keith turns it off, giving Pidge the 'are you crazy' look.

"What!? This huge house is practically empty! And two 19 year olds and one 17 year old can't pay for everything!" Keith shrugs, "go tell hunk before he kills you."

With that Pidge runs off, and Keith walks back to his room.

After a few hours Keith only gets three replies for the invitation. One of those replies was from a very famous couple, The Space Parents. The other was from another YouTuber McClain Studios.

Keith told all of them to send information about themselves, and he would show Hunk and Pidge. McClain replied immediately, sending alot of info. The Space Parents replied at 5 a.m. they promptly apologized for replying late as they live in a different continent.

Pidge and Hunk liked the responders, so Keith sent them the address and told them to be packed! McClain would arrive the next day, he lived close. The other two being from Tokyo, would be here in two days. "So McClain will be here tomorrow. Space mom and dad will be here in two days.

"You know what we have to do right?" Hunk questions, very serious. "We have to clean." Pidge groans, "I'll start with the living room." "I'll get two beds" Keith announces, they nod. "Hunk I'm taking your truck! Be back in a few!" He calls grabbing the truck keys, and running out to the yellow truck.

~~~TS~~~ *time skip

The door bell rang, Keith got up and ran downstairs. Opening the door to see a tan boy, with bright blue eyes. "I'm Lance. Lance McClain? You're Keith!" Lance smiles, he has multiple bags in his arms. "I'll help you with these!" The raven grabs some of them and let him inside. "Uh I'll show you the room? They're quite large so, choose any." The raven questions, leading him up the stairs. Three rooms, all identical. Two have Kings sized beds, and one has a twin. "I want this one-" Lance says walking into the one with the small bed. "It makes the room bigger if you have a smaller bed."

Keith and Lance spent and hour carrying the boxes and clothes from the small blue car. After they finished both wanted to record a video, "Keith will you be in my video? Wait- where are Pidge and Hunk?" Lance questions looking around, Keith smiles. "Hunk went to work, and so did Pidge. That's why there isn't a Green car or a yellow truck in the driveway."

"Oh cool, but wanna be in a video?" Keith nods, Lance digs around in a bag finally finding a large camera.
He turns the video on and does his intro, "okay so I'm here with one of my new roommates! Keith!" The tan boy shouts, wrapping his arms around Keith. "Hey guys!" The raven cheers, and they do random stuff.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Long Ts~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Keith come here!" Lance calls from his room, Keith runs up the steps. "Yeah Lance?" Lance was sitting at his computer, he turns around. "Look at the fans-" Keith sees the comments on their last video together, 'um Klance anyone?' or 'do I smell something other than bromance!?'

In that particular video Keith remembers looking at Lance alot, and blushing even more. "Oh my quiznak Pidge even commented!" Lance screeches, pointing to it. 'They're definitely Gay for each other' Keith walks out of the room and over to the banister. "PIDGE IM ALREADY GAY" Keith shouts. Everyone in the living room looks up, to see a blushing Keith. And they all watch everything unfold.

Lance taps Keith's shoulder, the raven turned around. Seeing a flustered Lance, the tan boy grabbed Keith's face and presses his lips against the other's. Waiting a moment to register what's happening Keith kisses back, a darker scarlet rushing to his face.

"Pay up peasants" Pidge screeches. They groan and Pidge receives twenty each, "moooola!"

"Keith Kogane will you be my boyfriend?" The tan boy asks, his blush very visible. Keith nods and kisses him once more, "get a room!"

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