Chapter Thirty-One

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"Patton," Virgil gasped. He was slightly hunched over and weak from the battle, and seeing Patton in Daniel's view shot pain and worry through him.

"Patton Sanders," Daniel smirked wickedly.

"You must be Daniel. Sorry to get in the middle of your battle, I'll just be going," Patton headed back for the forest but froze when Daniel said,

"Not so fast there, friend stealer. We have your precious Virgil in our grasp, and I'm going to take him away from you just like you took him away from me. But first, let's have a little fun, shall we?"


Suddenly, Patton was hurled across the battlefield and into a boulder. Virgil handled that well before, but Patton is mortal. It was a miracle he survived.

"Patton!" Virgil yelled before getting zapped by Catherine again.

Patton was focusing on trying to breathe while Daniel strutted over. Catherine somehow managed to hold the others on her own while Daniel got his vengeance.

"Seven years I've waited for this. Seven years to plan this moment. And no-one - not even Roman - will stop me,"

Patton lifted his head in horrible agony and squinted through his blurry eyesight to see Daniel's horrid smirk.  He couldn't make out the whole "I'm going to kill you" speech for a solid five minutes due to a high-pitched ringing in his ears.

"Wh-why are you doing this?"

"What a great question! Maybe Virgil should answer that one,"

Catherine shoved Virgil forwards and he collapsed on the soil, his arms shaking while he forced himself to stand up.

"D-dan, please don't hurt him,"

"It's only fair. He hurt me,"

"It wasn't his fault,"

"Really? So he wasn't the one who swooped in unexpectedly and always stole you away for coffee and food and all of the other crap we couldn't afford? Leaving me to work all day? Leaving me to only get to see Emma late at night? Leaving me alone to fight against our old orphanage bullies? Stealing my brother away from me, changing him, molding him into something he's not?"

"You're not my brother," Virgil spat,

"My brother never wanted to kill me and my family. My brother didn't shoot yellow flames from his hands. And my brother understood the strength love has on someone,"

"Aw boo-hoo, I turned Dark. What did you expect? Where did you think I went? Summer camp?" He laughed maniacally.

"Daniel, please,"

"It's too late for please. Patton is mine," 


Catherine was at his side in the blink of an eye and thrust him back through the trees.

Daniel laughed while his eyes and hands glowed a vibrant yellow, thoroughly amused by Patton's terror.

"This is for taking Virgil," he shot a fireball to Patton's left, just missing his shoulder.

"This is for taking away everything I ever cared about," this time he shot at his right. This was the last of his teasing.

"And this," his grin had gone and was instead replaced with a scowl,

"Is for being the stuck up, selfish little Prince you've always been."

His hands were charged with the yellow sparks and glow, and his eyes burned like the sun. This was his moment. This was what he had been waiting for. Nothing was going to stop him.

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