Chapter Four

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Virgil didn't sleep at all that night. He stared at the ceiling missing the warmth of his bed in Logan's cabin, and the comfort of his bed in his and Patton's room. He wanted to protect Patton at all costs. But did that mean staying with him until he came to murder him? Or obeying Logan's orders and staying away from him until he controlled his emotions?

He sighed and slipped his cloak on, silently slipping into Patton's room.

"Pat?" he whispered.
"Mm?" Patton asked, half asleep.
"Could I stay in here with you?"
Patton sat up and squinted in the darkness,
"I thought you were sick?"
Virgil smiled,
"I'm better now. Can we cuddle?"
"Of course!"

He slipped into the bed with Patton and nuzzled into his chest. Patton stroked his hair,
"I've missed you, kiddo."
"Me too, I'm sorry for being gone for so long,"
He froze.
"Virge how long did it take you to get there?"
"Uh....a year,"
"And how long did it take you to heal?"
"....another year,"
"So it took you one year to get there, one year to heal, leaving three years to get back? How is that meant to work if it would've been slower for you to get there while sick?"
Patton wriggled from Virgil,
"You're lying to me!"
"N-no, I'm not!"
"Where were you?! Your story doesn't make any sense!"
"Pat, I'm telling you the truth!"
"Then look me in the eyes! You always look at the floor when you lie!"

Virgil looked up to Patton's hurt, disappointed face.
"Pat I can't......"
Patton looked at him,
"I've know you twelve years and you can't tell me why you disappeared for five? Unbelievable."
He advanced to the door and the guilt was eating Virgil alive. He bit his lip before saying in a loud whisper,
"Pat wait!"
Patton turned to face him, inches away from the door.
"I.....I'll tell you.....but you can't freak out,"
Patton smiled,
"I won't."

He took a deep breath.
"I was-"
"Virgil!" Logan hissed as he entered the room, almost knocking Patton over.
"L-Lo- I,"
Logan held his hand up and Virgil stopped. He was in for it now.
"Excuse me, Logan, but this is a private discussion,"
"My apologies, but Virgil is unable to speak with you at the moment," he added, mumbling, "or ever."

He practically dragged Virgil out of the room.
"Hey you can't just take him!" Patton yelled after him.
"I can, and I am doing so," Logan retorted, slamming his door in Patton's face.

"Hey!" he fiddled with the handle but the door never budged, "I'll get my brother in on this!"

Logan reluctantly opened the door.
"Let me see him!"
"Listen you little pest, you let him get better from his sickness that has appeared to have gotten worse or I'll just take him back to my cabin in the woods. Do I make myself clear?!"

Logan's anger frightened Patton and he could've sworn he saw his eyes glow.
"Answer me!"
"Y-yes," he whispered, intimidated by the tall man.
"Farewell then," he slammed the door in his face once again, leaving him completely puzzled, shocked, and most of all, frightened.

He trudged back to his room. It was about 3am, he would worry in the morning, what does he know? This could just be some crazy dream.

As soon as Logan knew Patton was gone, he let Virgil have it.
"What the heck was that?!
"L-Lo I can explain!"
"You can't keep away from him for more than a day, can you?!"
"Well I'm sorry if I haven't saw him in five years! Look, I think he can handle it!"
"What do you know?!"
"Logan I know Patton, he wouldn't act the way she did," Virgil replied in a softer tone.

"Virgil this is the last straw! Don't you ever do something like this again!" he sighed, "it won't be long, I will show you how to control your emotions."
Virgil nodded. It didn't sound so bad. But the thought of being away from Patton any longer drove him insane.

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