Chapter Twenty

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Emma made her way up to the roof in the cool night. She was wearing a grey cotton cardigain over some brown pants Virgil bought her and a white top that hung a bit loosely around her thin figure.

She grabbed the sides and wrapped them around her. She sat down on the edge of the roof and stared up at the black sky. There were only a few stars littered but she could spot her star right away.

I know it's probably impossible to see the same star twice or be able to recognise a specific star but she had a gut feeling she could spot her star.

Well, it wasn't all hers. Half belonged to the one she loved most. The one who gifted her the emerald necklace. The one who would stay up all night talking about their future. She could remember it like it was yesterday...


Emma lay down on the lush, green grass of a field, her secret boyfriend next to her. He stared up into the stars and pointed many signs out, though she was staring at him. He stopped talking about signs and just smiled up at the sky, taking in its beauty.
"One day," he began suddenly,
"We're gonna get out of here, leave this town, just you and me. We'll travel the globe and go on many adventures - it'll be perfect. And then after a while we can settle down, start a family of our own. Be parents and not just two eighteen year olds who are secretly a couple,"

"What about Virgil?"
"Of course he can come if he wants to, but we'll be adults by then, he might find his someone, or be fine on his own-"
"-or get together with that Prince Patton who comes to see him,"
"Ugh, for once can we not mention the friend-stealer?!"
"Sorry, it's just a bigger, more amazing choice for him,"
The boy sighed.
"I know, Em. I know they're gonna be together. That's what I'm counting on. That he'll be good friends with the Prince before we leave in a few years. Then he can work the shop and the Prince can keep him company,"

"We'll visit, right?"
"Of course," he smiled.
"And we can bring the kids?"
"Mhm, our son and daughter,"
She laughed.
"We can't control what gender they're gonna be, it's a fifty-fifty chance,"
"I know. I'm just so sure we'll have a girl and a boy. And maybe one or two more,"
"That's easy for you to say, you're not the one who has to carry each one for nine months,"
"Unless we have two sets of twins, then you can half how many months you're pregnant for,"
She smiled.
"Let's see if I survive working for Miss. Ginger first,"
"You seriously need to sort out that problem,"
"It's fine,"
"It's not, Em, if you don't sort it out soon, you're gonna be working there for the rest of your life,"
"Pff, I'll only be there until we leave, a few years I would say,"

"Evil employers aside, I have something for you,"
She smiled widely,
"What is it?!"
He laughed,
"Close your eyes!"
She smiled and squeezed her eyes shut.
"Hold out your hands,"
She thrust her hands in front of her, incredibly excited.

Something cold was placed in her hot hands.
"Can I open them?"
He smiled,
She opened her eyes and looked down at the gift that was placed in her hands.

She gasped as she looked down at the beautiful silver chain that held an expertly carved emerald in the shape of a water drop. Each link of silver was precious to her.
"It's beautiful," she whispered.
He smiled and took the necklace out of her hand. Then he moved her hair to the side, fastening the necklace around her neck. He moved her hair back and appreciated her beauty.
"How much?"
He gave her a puzzled look.
"How much do I owe you for this?"
"Emma, you owe me nothing,"
"But it's got to be your most expensive product,"
"Not really a product, it was never for sale. More of a personal project. I made it for you,"
She looked to him with total adoration.
"You shouldn't have. It must be worth-"
"-it doesn't matter to me how much it cost. You're the real treasure to me. You're worth more than any amount of money, Em,"
She thrust her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.
"I love you,"
"I love you too, Em,"


Emma shivered in the cold night on the roof.
Oh, to be eighteen again, she thought, to be with him again.
She or Virgil haven't saw him for seven years. Not a letter sent or a word said about him. Neither are brave enough to mention him in fear of painful memories coming back. That's why she comes to the roof. No-one can see how broken she is. No-one can see how weak she is.
No-one can see how much she hurts. How much he hurt her.

She let out her quiet sobs; even so high up she was scared someone would hear her. She didn't want anyone to waste their time on her, and she didn't want to appear fragile or weak to anyone. She wanted to be strong and brave. She didn't want to go up to the roof and cry her heart out every night. He was the only person she could confide in. Him and Virgil. But when Virgil got closer with Patton, it felt like he was abandoning them. And the few times they passed eachother she wanted to cry her heart out to him and plead for better working conditions. But those five years apart is what did it for her. She still loved him like a brother, but couldn't open up the same way anymore. He was a touchy subject for both of them. So they decided not to mention him.

But all she wanted to do was talk about him. Confide in Virgil - the only one who would understand.

She grasped the emerald and let the tears gush out.

"Emma?" a soft voice asked from behind her.
She jumped and wiped at her eyes.
"Y-yeah?" she turned around to see Patton holding a tray.
"I saw you sulk to the roof and I figured you were sad so I made you some hot chocolate and cookies,"
She smiled and he sat down next to her, handing her a cup.
"Thanks," she sipped on the hot drink.
"Have you been crying?"
She shook her head vigorously,
"Kiddo, it's fine if you were, everyone cries,"
She sipped again,
"Yeah, but I don't want people thinking I'm weak."
"Emma, it doesn't mean your weak. It shows you're strong enough to let your emotions out and show them,"
She smiled at him.
"Of course. It's alright to be emotional. You don't have to tell me why you feel this way, but let it out. Eat a cookie. Drink some hot chocolate,"

He put an arm around her and she snuggled into his warmth. She hadn't been hugged like this in along time.
"Just let it out, Emma," he said softly.
She cried the remainder of her tears while he comforted her.
"I got your shirt wet," she said guiltily.
"It's fine," he smiled,
"Here." He handed her a cookie and she nibbled on it quietly.
"Feel better?"
"Much," she smiled.

"Thank you, Patton,"
"My pleasure, Emma,"
She smiled,
"Call me Em."

Aaaaaand another chapter is done! Sorry if it was short, terrible, and completely focused on Emma, I just love my child and want to give her some love. Hopefully the next chapter will be good. And as always,

Peace Out Homesickles!

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