Chapter Thirty

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Wow! We're at thirty already! Thanks for your constant love and support for this book, it means the world to me! Now let's spill this tea

Emma woke up to find Patton's gray cape draped over her. She had been out for a good hour - maybe two. Patton was filling up a bowl with berries when she shuffled up against the rock.

"Hey Emma," he smiled and said in his usual tone as if nothing happened.

"What the heck is wrong with you?!"

"Listen, I didn't ask to do this. Virgil wanted to keep you safe,"

"And I'm sure he'll be delighted to know you knocked me out with berries!"

"You were only out for two hours!"

"...two? Where are the others?"

"They're fine,"

"That's not what I asked,"

"They're in the woods,"

"Patton," she urged him.

He turned around so his back was to her.

"Kiddo, they're fine,"

"How can you be so sure?"

"Well I have to stay positive, there's too much negativity in the world,"

"Sometimes positivity blinds someone of the truth, so positivity is really just lying to yourself,"

He spun around with tears running down his face.

"Don't you dare sit their and belittle it like that!"

"Well don't you dare stand there and sugar coat everything just so it makes you look like a better person!"

"So I look like a better person?! I do it so I don't loose it again! After three years of Virgil being gone, I snapped. All the negativity got to me. And it still gets to me now. Do you honestly think I think he's okay?! Do you honestly think I'm certain he's going to return home?! Do you honestly think that I think that life is going to be A-okay after this?! I know life sucks sometimes. But mentioning it won't do either of us any good. Especially not you in the state you're in,"

Say something comforting! Emma thought, anything! Nothing could be worse than just staring at him!

"Let's go after them," you idiot

"Are you insane?!"

"We'll know that they're okay of we go," she explained.

"Emma, please, you need rest,"

Emma was going to have to pull out the big guns.

"Virgil could be in pain, how are you meant to treat him if he's so far away? He could be calling out your name, screaming, crying, pleading, he needs you. And if you don't go you're letting him down,"

Patton believed her. He had no idea why, but her words stuck to him. Now he had to go.

He threw his things in the backpack and helped Emma up.
"Let's go then!"

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