Chapter Thirteen

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Logan and Mark were sitting shoulder to shoulder, laughing, smiling, and talking. They were at the breakfast table discussing moving in together somewhere in the woods.

Roman was directly opposite them, clutching his spoon so hard it bent. He hadn't touched his breakfast.

"Hey lovebirds," Patton smiled, walking in cheerily.
"Hello, Pattom," Logan said, never taking his eyes off Mark.
"Hey Pat," Mark replied.
Roman mimicked him.
"I said hi to Patton, is that such a problem?"
Logan shot him a look.
Roman pushed himself from the table.
"Where are you going?" Patton asked.
"Out," he replied dryly.
"Was it something I said?" Mark asked.


"Why can't I have a fairytale ending? Why can't the Prince get the alchemist?"
Copper neighed.
"I know he's not an alchemist,"
"Stupid Mark........hey do you think we could get a hitman on short notice?"
Copper stopped to a hault and neighed loudly in protest.
"I'm kidding!"
He continued to a trot.

"Why does everything happen to me? Why can't he just see that I'm the perfect guy for him? Now he's just Mr. Canon. Blegh!"
He stroked Copper's mane and watched the birds settle down for their night's rest.

He sighed.
"Do you think it's because I don't have wings? Because I'm not the same as him? Because I'm not smart enough? Because I'm not.......good enough?"
A few tears slid down his cheeks.
"I just really thought he was the one. I've never felt this way for anyone before,"

Copper neighed sympathetically.

"I think I can be of assistance," an unfamiliar voice said from the shadows. It was ominous: low and husky.


"I just feel like he doesn't like me,"
"Well that was obvious. But give it time, love, he'll come around,"
"I hope so,"
"Don't worry Mark, it took him a while to like me," Virgil said.

Emma passed by and stopped when she heard Mark's name. She did have to admit, he was handsome.

His medium blonde curls shined in the light like gold and rested lightly on top of his head. His scarlet eyes shined as though they were rubies and had a sort of friendly glow to them.

Even frowning his presence brought happiness with it: Emma could only imagine his angelic smile.

He was roughly 5'9 and well-built. His jaw was refined and strong and his skin was a gorgeous shade of linen, sparkling in the light.

But these good looks didn't faze her. It didn't matter how handsome he was, or how nice he may be, her attention could never be swayed from him.

"Hey Emma," Virgil said, stopping her train of thought.
She looked up to him,
"W-oh, hi Virgil."
"Busy day?"
"Like you wouldn't believe," she smiled.
"Have you met Mark?"
"No, but I've heard about him," she looked to Mark, "hi." She waved.
He held out a hand,
She shook it wearily, concious of how he was standing in the way of Roman.

"So you're married, huh? What's that-"
She sighed,
"Gotta go."


"Who are you?" Roman demanded.
"That is- ugh, what is my voice?" The figure cleared their throat and a much higher-pitched, camp voice came out.
"That's not important, sweetie, what is is that I can help you,"
"Help me?"
The figure sighed,
"You know, relationship problems."
"How do you know about that?"
"Again, not important,"

Roman folded his arms.
"How can you help me?"
The figure smiled.


Emma scrubbed at the kitchen floors, sweating and looking extremely pale.
"Emmit it is not hard work, a child could do it," the head maid growled, calling her the wrong name again.
"I should know, I've been doing it since I was six," she muttered under her breath.
"Speak up, child, we have talked about the mumbling!"

"She said she should know, she's done it since she was six," the horrid blonde maid told the head.
"Is that ungratefullness in hear?" she yelled.
"Of course not, I-"
"-because you know fine well I could've left you on the streets where you belong,"
"Yes, Miss," she hung her head.
"And if you keep this act up I'll add another five years to your debt, got it?"
"Yes, miss,"

The two maids left and she got back to work, desperate for some water - a luxury she couldn't waste time on.

She was sweating like crazy and her arms were aching. She hadn't slept much these past few days or took a rest.

She lost her balance cleaning at the sink and grabbed onto the sink for support. The whole room began to spin and her head pounded.
"Not again," she wined.


Roman raised his eyebrow.
"Love potion?"
"That's what I said,"
"So what do I do with it?" he asked, looking at the pink liquid in the vile in his hand.
"You just, like, add it to his drink and it'll do the rest. Easy as pie, babes,"
Roman thought for a moment.
"And this works?"
"One hundred percent effective, one hundred percent of the time," the figure smiled.
"I don't know.....forcing him to love me is a bit drastic..."
"But he is not destined for Mark, he'll see that he doesn't love him and that he rushed into it and he'll come crying to you. Would you rather let him see he loves you or, like, see him distraught and sad?"
"Well I hate seeing him sad-"
"-perf! Then you take that and let it do it's thing!"

"And the only payment you want is to stay in the castle?"
"Mhm, the price of true love is only a one bedroom,"
"Hmm.....okay!" he smiled.
He shoved the vile in his pocket and showed the figure to the room.

"I hope you don't mind, I'll have a few friends over soon,"
"That's perfectly fine,"
"Great," he smiled.
He looked to the figure and he couldn't tell if it was because he was tired or because he had a long day, but he could swear their eyes were silver.

Aaaaaaand another chapter done! Several cliffhangers in this one, lucky you guys, eh? I hope you guys enjoyed this and as always,

Peace Out Homesickles!

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