Chapter Twenty-Two

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Roman was upstairs talking to his bird friends again.
"He hasn't sent a letter yet. I'm being impatient. But he always responds quickly. I shouldn't have been so obvious in my letter! Love Roman, blegh! It would've been better if I said I'm so desperately in love with you please marry me,"
The cyan bird tweeted.
"Don't you think I've thought of that?"
He sighed.

"Roman!" Patton yelled,
"Roman! Roman get your butt down here!"
"What's the point?" he sighed.
"Roman Patricia Sanders you better get down here right now or I will turn you into a toad!"
"You can do that?!" he rushed downstairs.

"His middle name is Patricia?" a farmilliar voice laughed.
Roman froze dead in his tracks on the steps when he came into view.
"-you'll have to excuse him, he's a little overwhelmed," Virgil smiled.
"Hi Ro," Logan smiled.
Everyone turned to him. Hi? Has Logan even ever said that?! And Ro?! Ro! Logan rarely gave nicknames out.

Roman's words were still coming out as a mumbled mess.
"Are you alright?"
Roman closed his mouth and swallowed - though it didn't do much since his mouth was unbelievably dry.
"Yes," he croaked.
"How are you?"
"So, your coronation is tomorrow, shall I give you your present now or tomorrow?"
"You got me a present?"
"Of course I-we did,"
"You shouldn't have,"
"You are my best friend, Roman, of course I had to - no, in fact, I wanted to,"

Roman's stiffness disappeared as he rushed down the stairs, engulfing Logan in a hug. Logan didn't shift away or stand there awkwardly, he hugged Roman right back. Being so close to Roman, Logan realised that he couldn't bare to part with him ever again. He realised how long those two weeks were. He realised that nothing brought him more joy than Roman's arms wrapped around him.
"Thank you," Roman whispered.
"You haven't even received it yet," Logan laughed quietly.
"No. I meant for coming back. Thank you for returning,"
Logan whispered so low Roman barely heard it,
"I don't ever want to leave again."

Roman caught sight of Mark - the envy burning in his eyes. He broke the hug.
"So how's married life treating you?" he asked Mark,
"I couldn't dream of being married to him, I bet he corrects you all of the time."
Ouch. That hurt Logan a bit.
Mark looked at Logan,
"It's amazing. Logan lights up my life and makes it worth something. Before I found him I was just wandering the streets, homeless, jobless, friendless. He's changed me forever."

Logan felt a pang of guilt strike him like a lightning bolt. He loved Mark, and Mark loved him. But the way he felt about was unexplainable. Maybe it's not love, he thought, maybe it's a platonic feeling. I've never had friends since Catherine, and then Virgil. But Virgil felt like a student to me. Roman truly is my best friend. And if Mark isn't my best friend, a student, or a man you simply can't help but like (Patton), he must be my romantic partner. That's how it works, right? And Roman doesn't love me that way. He's said that countless times. I feel so.....idiotic. I have to be with Mark. I live with Mark. After the coronation I will go back with Mark.

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