Chapter Two

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"So what happened?" Roman asked curiously. He turned to face Virgil with a look that almost said,
"You better have an amazing excuse." He shrunk back a bit and let Logan explain, Patton snuggling against his arm listening intently.

"Well I was in the woods one day, about eight months ago, and saw Virgil shivering on the ground. Poor thing what he was, so skinny and pale and helpless. I took pity on him and nursed him back to health," Logan lied naturally, the words coming out with ease.
"Why did it take so long?" Patton asked.
"He was very sick, he needed long treatment, and even after then we had to make the long journey from my home,"
Roman nodded trying hard to listen but ended up getting lost in Logan's neutral eyes that he thought extraordinary.

"How did you get in the forest?" Patton asked again, this time aimed at Virgil.
"I...uh..." he bit his lip and suddenly he had an idea, "I wanted to get some fresh air to help my sickness and I went to the woods." He was quite proud of that answer until Patton asked,
"How did you get so far out?"
"I lost my way," he replied.
"You've lived here all your life and you 'lost your way' ?" Roman asked suspiciously.

"W-well, a person is, they, uh....don't feel like themselves.....and...uh-"
"Your stuttering is very irritating," Roman interrupted.
"Your personality is irritating," Virgil blurted out.
"Oh, is that so?" Roman asked growing more irritated, "I can't believe Patton actually wants to marry you."

"I can't believe everyone in the Kingdom wants to marry you, you're about as real as the decorative fruit in the dining room."
"Excuse me?! Do you know who I am?! I am the hottest Prince around and everybody loves me bec-"
"Princey, shut up, you're giving me a headache,"
"Why don't you go back in the woods to clear your head?!"

The whole room fell silent. Virgil's eyes stung with tears and he took a sharp intake of breath.
"Maybe I will," he stormed out.
"Roman!" Patton scolded his brother before running after Virgil.

Logan went to follow after him but Roman stood in front of him.
"Where are you going, gorgeous?"
"To speak with my friend, you royal pain," he replied, shoving Roman out of the way.
Roman just watched him walk away.
"I love it when they play hard to get," he smiled to himself.


"Virgil! Please come back!" Patton called after him.
And just like that Virgil froze. All of his nightmares had came true. Images of Virgil being dragged away by Logan into a dark abyss and Patton chasing after him screaming for him to come back flooded his head. Those always ended in Virgil being pulled so far away that Patton couldn't be seen anymore, then Virgil being consumed by the abyss, and then him shooting up in bed, panting, sweating, and crying.

He had had those nightmares the first few weeks after Logan had taken him away. But he couldn't focous on that now, he had reunited with Patton and yet he was running away.

He stopped dead in his tracks and waited for Patton to catch up with him.
"'t.....go!" he panted.
Virgil turned around and gave him an apologetic smile.
"I'm sorry for running, I forgot your little legs can't keep up," he wrapped his arms around the other, stroking his curly locks.
"Hey! I'm not that short! I'm only 2 inches shorter than you,"
"And I'm pretty sort for my age," Virgil laughed, "so you're pretty tiny."

Patton looked up to the other still in the embrace and smiled Virgil's favourite smile.
"I've missed that smile," he whispered.
Patton blushed and leaned closer to Virgil, standing on the balls of his feet, and kissed him.
"I've missed those eyes," Patton smiled, "I couldn't count all of the sleepless nights I've had thinking about those eyes."

Virgil embraced Patton tightly, feeling incredibly guilty for leaving him. Though it wasn't really his fault he left. He had been kidnapped, after all. And lying to Patton about it only made him feel worse.
"Patton I promise I will never ever leave your side ever again," Virgil promised.

Suddenly, Patton's head shot up.
"We have so much to do!"
"What do you mean?"
"Well for starters we have to tell the Kingdom you're back, it'll be a grand announcement in front of everyone!"
That thought alone made Virgil's stomach churn,
"Everyone?" he squeaked nervously.
"Don't you want people to know you're back? They were awfully sad when you left. Plus all of your villager friends would want to know you're back!"
"I didn't have any friends," he lied.
"But what about-"
"We do not speak of them!"
Patton ignored Virgil's outburst and continued, treading lightly on the subject.
"People know who you are now," Patton replied softly.
"They knew who I was. I was the freak with the purple eyes and no parents, the freak who stood out from people eventhough he so desperately wanted to blend in," his eyes began to glow again but his hood had fell down while they were running and they extremely noticeable, "the freak who no one liked. The-"

Just in time, Logan swooped in and politely excused the two of them and took him to his room.

"What the hell was that?!"
"I know, I know, I have to keep my emotions under control,"
"But you didn't!"
"Look I'm sorry, I got carried away!"
"You were hugging him a few seconds before! What on earth got you so empowered?!"
"I was thinking about my time on the streets!" he paused and looked to the floor, "everyone hated me, and everyone thought I was a freak because I didn't have parents and I had the weirdest eyes in the whole Kingdom. People thought I was some demon!"
"Well they weren't far off," Logan replied.
"I'm upset over here!"
"Oh, of course, um...." he awkwardly patted his back, "there there."
Virgil laughed at Logan's 'comforting' and spun around and hugged him.
"That's the best I'm gonna get out of you, wood plank," he chuckled.
"Ugh, physical contact,"
"D'aww, you love it really,"
"I really do not,"
"Shut up, you love me,"
"No I-"

Logan rolled his eyes but smiled slightly at his friend.
"Better now?"
"I have one question,"
"Go ahead,"
"When are we gonna tell Patton the truth?"
Logan thought for a moment,
"That is what I said,"
"I have to tell him at some point! He has to know why I really left, they don't buy that 'I got lost' excuse! He needs to know what I am, what we are-"
"No one needs to know!"
"It'll be different from Ca-" Virgil stopped himself from saying the name.

But Virgil didn't need to say the name. They were all Logan could think about. He didn't want history to repeat itself, especially not with royalty.
"Don't you dare tell him. In fact, based off your previous mistakes, you may not speak to him,"
Virgil stared at him in disbelief.
"What do you mean I can't speak to him?!"
"Your emotions are affecting you, you must adjust here and avoid him for a while,"
"But I just got back!"
"It's either that or we go back to my home, which do you prefer?!"

Virgil thought for a moment.
"Fine," he mumbled, "I'll stay away from Patton."

You thought the tea was gonna be spilled? Nope. Just more stewing away. Though I did give you a few drops. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and as always,

Peace Out Homesickles!

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