Chapter Twenty-One

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Logan excitedly opened the letter Roman had sent.

                      Logan <3


His eyes fixated on the heart for a while before reading the note inside:

Dearest Logan,

I'm thrilled that you dislike the dragonwitch as I do and that you gave me an A+ and smiley face! I didn't realise how close my coronation was! I haven't even practised! But now I am remembering your kind words, it meant a lot to me. I know it was probably effortless for you to say it but you really calmed my nerves. I wish you could go but I understand that you have married couple things to do.

Love from,


He blushed. He didn't even care that he was. It felt nice. He smiled. Then he furrowed his brows.
"Who said I couldn't go?"

"Hey, honey," Mark said entering the house.
"Did you say I couldn't go to Roman's coronation?"
"Of course not, though I have been thinking it may not be the best idea,"
"What?! Why?"
"Well because he makes you upset, hon. I just don't want you getting upset again,"
"I won't. I mean, I might cry, but that'll be because I am happy for him,"
Mark looked at Logan's pleading face.
"Fine," he gave in.

He set down the berries he gathered to make some jam. It wasn't as good as the castle cook, Mr. Crofters, makes, but it was still good.
"Why?" he asked suddenly.
"Why do you ask?"
Luckily for Logan, he as a fast and believable liar.
"Roman sent us an invitation but said that he knew we probably wouldn't go,"
"Aw, honey, he probably just thought that we might be busy. That's sweet of him to invite us, though. We should get him a gift for when we go," he smiled.
Logan smiled and thought about what gifts to get him.

He thought of many things instantly. But this got him thinking. He could think of a million things to give Roman instantly. But he would take several minuets to think of something for Mark. He knew how to make Roman smile. He knew Roman so well. He didn't know how to make Mark smile. He hadn't saw Mark in fourteen years and he decided to get married?! He didn't even know Mark's favourite colour!

No. This was a mistake. This was a mistake! He thought.

He rushed to his bedroom and flung himself at his desk. He scribbled a letter down.

My dearest Roman,

I've been thinking about the last letter you sent me a lot. I think marrying Mark was a mistake. I don't think I love him. I love you. I know it probably doesn't matter to you but the 'Dearest Logan', 'Love from, Roman' and heart you put next to my name on the envolope meant everything to me. I know this is idiotic to think like this: I'm married for pete's sake! But please tell you feel the same?

Logan x

He closed the envolope and was about to send it when Mark came in.
"Virgil seemed pretty close to Emma. Do you think he told her?"
He froze.
"Wanna go now?"
"Yes please,"

The two gathered their things abd headed into the woods. It was the day, so they would have to fly carefully.


Roman practised his lines for his coronation, stuttering and mumbling at times.
"Hey Ro," Emma smiled.
"I've brought you some tea, it relaxes me so I thought you might want some,"
"Thank you," he said gratefully, taking the cup.
"I guess..."
"What's wrong?"

Roman looked at his tea.
"I remember the stories of my father's coronation. Everyone was so proud. It went so smoothly. What......what if I can't do that? What if I let him down?"
"Roman, don't be silly. You're gonna do so well,"
"But I keep on messing up. I'm gonna make such a fool of myself,"
"Nonsense," she smiled, putting her arm around him - strange, she wasn't the comforting type,
"Just focous on someone you know. I'll be there. Patton'll be there. Virgil will be there. Look at one of us if you get scared or mess up and you'll be fine,"
He looked up to her.
"Logan won't be there,"
"Have faith. He may just show up," she smiled.
"Yeah, right. He probably hates me,"
"Listen, when you fell from the vines he stayed with you the whole time. He cares about you. He'll be there,"
"You think?"
"I know,"

He smiled and sipped at his tea.
"Thank you, Emma. No wonder Virgil likes you so much,"
She blushed.
"Whatever," she mumbled.
"I'll get an outfit sorted for you if you like. Do you prefer dresses or shirts?"
She shrugged.
"Surprise me,"


The youngest figure blasted a boulder with one powerful blow. The debris flew past the other two.
"Impressive, but still needs work,"
"C, are you crazy?! Stone just killed it!"
"Stop calling me that. I told you, I'm not blood related to the purple-eyed orphan,"
"Same surname, same relation. Sorry kid, that's the rules,"
"Will you two focous?!" the other hissed,
"The King's coronation is in less than two days! You better get your act together or we'll never start a war!"

"What's the obsession with the date?" the youngest whispered to the silver-eyed figure.
"Very organised. Wants everything to be perfect. It'll be killing two birds with one stone, ruining his coronation and plunging the Kingdom into war,"
The youngest nodded.
"Then I'll get back to work,"

Aaaaaand another insanely short and terrible chapter is done! I wanted to leave you guys on a cliffhanger and a short chapter was the way to go! Sorry for the bad quality of chapters, I have a migraine (plus it's late here) but Emma's in this one, so you can't hate it. As always,

Peace Out Homesickles!

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