Chapter Five

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(The Trolls version was the only descent one by JT)

"Roman please explain why you are doing this,"
Roman only smiled at Logan, now was the perfect opportunity to work his charm.


Patton and Virgil sat down on the blanket, and Patton couldn't be more excited.

"Patton, you are one of three people I trust with my life, and you're at the top. You have to promise me that you won't freak out and/or tell anyone what I tell you tonight,"
Patton started to get nervous at his seriousness,
"I promise, what's said in the garden, stays in he garden."
Virgil smiled at their old childhood promise,
"Okay, I'll tell you what happened."

He took a deep breath and began,
"Five years ago, I got sick for no reason at all - or so we thought. I had 'came of age' you could say. Logan, who I gave up questioning about, somehow knew that. While you and Roman were gone, I fell asleep, utterly exhausted by the pain.

"Logan then came into the castle and.... I guess you could say he kidnapped me-"
"He what?!"
"All will be explained,"
This didn't help how Patton thought of Logan: in fact it made it worse.

"He took me to his cabin in the woods - a lovely place I might add - and looked after me. The day finally came when I was ready. Ready to claim the unimaginable gift I was born with.

"You see, there's a reason no-one else has purple eyes, and why Logan and I's eyes are so....vibrant.
Patton nodded in excitement.

Patton stared at Virgil, unable to speak. He could tell this was making Virgil extremely nervous but his vocal chords wouldn't obey the movements of his mouth. It made sense. Why wouldn't it make sense?

His eyes, the glow they emitted, his secrecy. Everything. Everything was explained yet he had so much to ask.
"So when you were in the cabin.....?"
"Practising, magic isn't simple you know,"
"So Logan?"
Virgil nodded,
"He's magic too."
Patton sat there in awe. A man he thought he knew better than himself had been living a double life. But this didn't change anything. He was still Virgil, and he still loved him.

Virgil gasped,
"Let me show you the best part!"
Patton smiled at his sudden excitement.
"Do you remember when my back was in immense pain?"
Patton nodded sadly. He looked so fragile back then.
"Well...." Virgil stood up and reached for the buckes on his cloak, "there's a reason for that too."
He unbuckled the cloak in one swift motion and let it drop to the floor.
Patton waited patiently. He didn't know what he was expecting but he was ready for it.

Virgil smiled excitedly,
"You're gonna love this."
Patton watched Virgil carefully. His back? What was wrong with his back?

Suddenly, a pair of gorgeous black wings arose from Virgil's small figure. Patton gasped. He had never seen something so beautiful. As he looked closer at the delicate feathers, he observed that each individual faded into an iridescent amethyst.
"Y-you're an a-angel!"
Virgil laughed,
"Trust me, I'm not."
"You've got to be! Your wings, your powers, your beauty-"
Virgil blushed and laughed,
"Beauty isn't the word I'd use."

"C-can I touch them?"
He smiled,
"Of course!"
Patton forced his body to stand up and walk over to Virgil. With a shaky hand, Patton reached out to the feathers. He gasped,
"Soft as silk."
Virgil smiled,
"I'm glad you're not freaking out."
"I promised you, didn't I?"

Virgil wrapped his arms around Patton, embracing him tightly.
"Thank you,"
Patton smiled into his shoulder.
Virgil slowly brought his wings around Patton, sealing them both inside, safe, and together.

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