Chapter Twenty-Four

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"He's alive!" Emma was ecstatic. Virgil couldn't believe it. Daniel, who he thought he knew so well, was a Dark Side.
No mortal has yellow eyes.
Did that mean he was born of magic blood? Was he just like Virgil? Both abandoned at 12, both couldn't remember anything before that, both born with strange eyes. How did he not see it sooner?!

"Virgil, we have to see him!"
He bit his lip,
"Are you insane?!"
"Mark!" Logan scolded.
"And he's magic! How cool is that? Just like you!"
"Emma, you don't-"
"Seven years. After seven years we can be together! A family!"
"Emma you can't have that!" Mark snapped.
"Mark!" Logan hissed.
"Em, that's not Daniel. Not the one we knew,"
"I don't understand. That's him! That's Daniel!"
"Oh, with his wings, I get it-"
"No.....he's a Dark Side,"
"What's a Dark Side?"
"He...went bad. He's not the same boy you remember. He doesn't want to start a family with you, he doesn't love you-"

Emma began to cry. As hard as she tried to keep it in, the tears poured out.
"Maybe you should have worded that differently Virgil," Logan stated.
"Emma," he began,
"Daniel's heart has been filled with hatred. He isn't kind, or gentle, or loving. All he wants is to kill and to dominate."
"I-is there any way we can get him back?"

Logan couldn't find the words. He's hardly ever lost for words. But the agony and helplessness on Emma's face made it impossible to answer.
"Emma," Virgil began, also crying,
"We have to kill him."

Emma's kneels buckled as she doubled over, collapsing on the floor. She held her necklace tightly in her hands and sobbed her heart out.

Emma and Daniel had such a strong bond, they were so close, it was obvious they were dating, but he let them think they were inconspicuous about it. He knew they were in love. He knew how depressed and lonely Emma was for 6 years without them and her parents, they became her first friends.

But that didn't mean that Virgil didn't love Daniel just as much as she did - he just didn't love him in the same way. He was his first friend and his brother. Not his biological brother, but Daniel decided to take Virgil's surname and create a bloodpact. Daniel Stone. Virgil Stone. Brothers.

Daniel made the days seem brighter and happier. Virgil brought laughter to Daniel with his sarcasm and dark humour. They relied on each other constantly. That only made it more painful.

He wrapped his arms around Emma.
"I know, I know,"
She cried into embrace.
He repeated himself and comforted her.
Logan mumbled something.
"What?" Virgil sniffed.
"There may be a way,"
Emma looked up from Virgil's embrace, her eyes and cheeks tearstained.
"A way for what?"
"To keep him alive,"
She gasped,
"Then do it! Do it! Do it!"

Logan sighed at her sudden excitement.
"It's extremely difficult and dangerous,"
"Danger's my middle name!" Roman exclaimed, excited to save Emma's true love.
"No, it's Patricia. As I was saying, it's extremely difficult to gather the main ingredient for the antidote,"
"But not impossible!"
He half-smiled.

"What do we need, Lo?" Virgil asked.
"Well I have all ingredients except for.....the venom of a two-horned nightdweller,"
"Isn't that-"
"-a dragon," he sighed.

Roman gripped his sword tightly.
"Well then let's go!"
"Emma, dragons aren't as nice as the storybooks say they are, they could-"
"-kill us, I know. I don't care. If that's what it takes to get Daniel back, then I'm doing it,"
"I'm with Emma," Roman said.
"Me too!" Patton smiled.
"I suppose I am too," Mark sighed.
Virgil smiled,
"Well of course I am!"
He stood up and held out his hands to help Emma up.

"One problem. The dragon probably won't allow us to take it's venom without explanation, and they don't speak our language. The speak in some dragon language or something,"
"Then we'll just-" Roman began.
"-we can't kill a dragon of that strength,"
"Oh," Emma fowned.

Virgil had a long sigh.
"I know a guy,"
Logan gave him a puzzled look.
"He can speak to the dragons, he has a bond with them,"
"That's great!" Emma smiled excitedly.
"How do you-"
"-The Dragon Incident, I'll explain more later,"
He counted the people standing in the room.
"Okay, Emma, I'll fly with you,"
"I'll go with M-Logan," Patton remembered the dance. He wouldn't let that happen again.
"Then I guess I'm taking Roman," Mark said.

"Perfect. Okay, we'll need to sneak out of here first,"
"I know a way," Emma smiled,
"But first..."
She grabbed the bottom of her dress.
"Watch the dress!" Patton yelled.
She ignored him and pulled it off completely, the others covering their eyes.
"Oh relax, I'm wearing pants and a T-shirt,"
They moved their hands from their eyes and saw she was telling the truth.
"How did you hide that shirt under your dress? It's long-sleeved!"
"Well I didn't put my arms in and I rolled the top of it down to the top of the dress," she explained, slipping her arms into the sleeves.

"Why were you wearing pants under your dress?!"
"Why wouldn't I? Isn't that what people do?"
"No!" Patton was shocked by the way the dress was flung on the floor but shook the feeling off as there were more serious things to attend to.

Virgil took his cloak off and handed it to Emma, Mark took off his blazer, as did Logan, and thankfully, Patton included wing space for them in their shirts.

"Okay, now follow me," she smiled, entering a small corridor that lead to the back of the castle.
"Perfect, thank you, Emma. Patton, if you would like to step over here,"
"Roman, if you could do the same for me,"
Virgil already had his arms around Emma securely but comfortably.

Logan got a gentle hold on Patton and Mark had Roman in his grasp.
"Ready?" Logan asked. They all nodded.
They dashed off faster than they ever had before, Emma and Roman delighted as this was their first fly.
"This is so cool!" she laughed.
"How do you guys not fly all of the time?"

Let them enjoy this, Logan thought, because we have a long way ahead of us.

Aaaaaand another short chapter is done! This wasn't very interesting, and I'm sorry about that, I just wanted to get some angst and a bit of backround on Daniel before they go off to meet the person Virgil knows. I wonder who it could be...... I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and always,

Peace Out Homesickles!

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