Chapter Twenty-Three

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"-answer me!"
"Y-you shouldn't be back here-"
"-answer the damn question, Roman! Are. You. In. Love. With. Me?!"
"You can't? What's that supposed to mean?!"
"I can't be in love with you,"
"As in you're not allowed to? Is this because I'm not a Prince or I'm deathly boring or-"
"-of course not!"
"Then what?!"
"You're married! I can't love you if you're married! Do you know how wrong that is?!"

The two exchanged looks.
"Look, I can't do this right now, we'll talk after my coronation,"
"You didn't say no,"
"You didn't say you didn't love me, you just said you couldn't,"
Roman fell silent.
Logan shook his head.
"Roman, you confuse me. You flirt with me, but say it means nothing. Kiss me, but act like it never happened. Write to me like I actually mean something to you, but shoo me away like I'm nothing. Talk so passionately about 'Aaron the bakers boy' who is so obviously me, but say you can't love me. But you never said you didn't love me. So what is it? Do you love me or not?"
"Logan, I can't-"
Logan had started crying now. Roman hated that.
"-please," he begged,
"Tell me."

Roman sighed.
"Yes. Okay? Yes! I love you, Logan. But I can't have you, so what was the point?!"
"How long?" Logan whispered.
"Always, Lo. Ever since the first time I saw your cobalt blue button-up coat and you turned around to face me with those electric blue eyes and you came out with the most monotone yet beautiful voice I had ever heard. The first time you smiled when I mentioned playing my guitar, and when I caught you blushing in the mirror. The first time I heard you laugh, properly, not the little huff you gave me when I sang, had me hooked to the sound,"

Logan stared at him in awe.
All this time.
Roman was the one crying now. He realised how desperately he wanted Logan to be his.

The mumur of the towns folk could be heard in the dead silence while Logan processed the information.
"If you loved me so much then why did you let me marry Mark? Why did you let me go off with a man I hardly know?! Why did you let me go, Roman?"
As his tears poured he whispered,
"I let you go because I love you. I saw how much he made you smile. That smile was my favourite thing in all the world and if he was the one who gave it to you then I wasn't about to take it away. I love you too much to separate you from your true love."

He wiped his eyes.
"Why do you care, anyways? You're happily married, I don't see why you needed to know my pain,"
Logan bit his lip and looked up to the broken Prince.
I have to tell him. I have to tell myself. It's not platonic.
"Roman, I-"


The ground shook beneath them and they began to loose balance, clutching onto the wall for support. People that were unfortunate to be outside screamed as they were engulfed in the grey fog that crackled with pink sparks. They cried out in fear.
"What was that?!"
"I don't-"


Another wave of fog, this time green, spread through more villages, and caused the two to completely loose balance.
Rubble starting falling down and dust was released from the ceiling.

Emma, Virgil, Patton and Mark ran in - Mark uncontrollably shaking.
"I-it's him. H-he's back,"
Logan got to his feet and held him still gently.
"I c-can't say,"
Logan's eyes widened. There was only one name Mark couldn't say. There was only one name they swore they wouldn't say it again. The name Mark feared most.
"Remy," he whispered.
He too started shaking.

"Who's-" Virgil gasped. Realisation struck him.
"-from Stagrose. The one that got away,"
His fear was at it's peak, but his anger was slowly creeping up behind it.

"Different people have different fog's, right?"
"Y-yes," Logan stuttered.
"There's more than one,"
"There's more fog. It's green,"
Logan turned pale. Paler than Virgil.

"But we destroyed all of the Dark Sides! Logan, how can there be more?!" He looked to Logan's petrified face,
Logan whispered a name like acid on his tongue, barely audible,

Roman gasped. He had heard of Catherine. He was the woman Logan wanted to marry.

Mark was still shaking - petrified of Remy and the fact there were more Dark Sides.

Logan didn't know who he was more afraid of: Catherine or Remy.

Virgil knew the effects Catherine had on Logan and he rushed over to comfort him. Patton comforted Mark.
"Lo, look at me. Lo, it's okay, it'll be-"


"Who is it this time?"
"Someone different," Roman had to have his battle face, he had to look brave in front of the others.
"Th-there's another one?!"
Logan looked past Virgil.
"Yellow fog? No mortal has yellow eyes. And there are no remaining Light Sides with yellow least....not that we know of,"
"Yellow eyes," Virgil mumbled.

Him and Emma gasped suddenly and their eyes shot to meet each other's gaze.
"Daniel!" they both cried.

Aaaand another chapter is done! Daniel is Deceit btw. So now you know who the three figures are. Sorry for a short chapter, I just can't resist a cliffhanger. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and as always,

Peace Out Homesickles!

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