Chapter Nine

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Roman was still unconscious, dreaming of slaying the dragon witch in an epic battle.

Logan was on a chair, sometimes watching him, sometimes staring at his picture of Catherine, and sometimes lost in his crowded train of thought. He thought often about Roman falling from that hight.
"Idiot," he mumbled.

He had no idea how long he'd been in there, he never bothered to look at the time.

The door opened softly and he snapped the pocket watch shut. His gaze shot up to Patton to see his eyes wide in shock.

After a few moments of staring, Patton composed himself, and sat on a chair next to Logan.
"I'm worried about him, Lo," he said, staring at the floor,
"He's been acting so strange lately, and now this,"

Logan looked over to him and looked back to Roman.
"As am I," he admitted.
"I've got to say, I'm surprised, you guys fight a lot. I heard you had a fight before it happened,"
"Are you here to visit him or interrogate me?" he snapped.

Patton stayed quiet and continued to look at the floor. Logan sighed.
"Yes, we had a fight. Nothing in particular, really. Everything he says just agrivates me,"
"He tries, Lo,"
Logan never took his eyes off Roman, he sighed once more.
"I know, Pat. I know,"

Patton looked up to him curiously.
"If you're so mad at him then why are you in here?"
Logan paused to think. He had so many things he could say - things he wished weren't true. He settled with,
"Because as much as I hate to admit it - and I really hate to admit it - he is a cordial guy, and his intentions are good. about his well-being."

Patton's jaw dropped and he gasped excitedly.
"You care about someone?! You care about my brother?!"
"Not exactly-"
"-you care about Roman!"
"That really is not what I said,"
"I'll give you some privacy with him, love bird," Patton grinned and left, closing the door behind him.

Logan looked to Roman.
"Out of all the things I could have said, that was what I chose?" he shook his head,
"Roman, I fear you have changed me for the worst."
He twiddled the watch in his fingers,
"Though I must give you this, I don't believe I have smiled so much since Catherine. I don't hate emotions, you know, I am just.....scared of them. You make them seem much less ominous. If you weren't such a self-absorbed, flirty fool I may actually like you."

He stayed there, in his train of thought again, twiddling the watch in his fingers once more.


Virgil was in the city - unaccompanied for once - hoping, praying, that he might be there. Though he never was. Never since that day.

He advanced to the dark corner, passing the stall that replaced his old one, the smell of freshly baked bread making his stomach growl.

"Please, please be here," he whispered.

He slipped through the alley and walked to their hideout, never missing a step.

Then he was there again. In that old place. Any trace of their shelter annihilated by the many years of change.

He sighed, though he was not surprised.
"Where are you?" he whispered to himself, though a small part of him was praying for an answer.

He walked back into the market, dismal that he wasn't there.
It's all my fault he thought, if I hadn't been so stupid, if I hadn't left him for Patton, if I hadn't just left without offering him a home, without visiting, this wouldn't have happened.

He passed the old, crumbling orphanage, scowling at the memories.


Roman's eyes slowly opened, every part of him aching. He groaned and suddenly a memory flashed in his mind.
"Logan!" he gasped.
He attempted to sit up and groaned once more. He caught sight of Logan in the corner of his eye.

He prepared his questions in his mind and opened his mouth to ask them. But he saw Logan sleeping peacefully, his glasses half way down his nose.

He smiled and trudged out of bed, leaning on the wall for support. He carefully took Logan's glasses off and placed them on the bedside table.
"I'll let you off for now, but tomorrow the questions start,"


"Mr. Stone?" a soft voice called from behind Virgil.

He turned around to face the kitchen maid who found Roman, Emma.
"Please, Emma, you've known me for years, call me Virgil,"
"Yes but when we met you weren't engaged to the Prince,"
"Pshh, so what?"
Emma shook her head, her raven hair bouncing on her shoulders.
"Anyways, why are you out here? Shouldn't you be with Roman or Patton or Logan?"
"I was just taking a walk, a nice stroll-"
"-you're looking for him again, aren't you?"

He knew he couldn't convince her otherwise. He sighed,
"Yes, I'm just......"
"Hoping," she finished, her teal eyes wistful, her smile vanished.

"How about you?" he asked, changing the subject, "why are you here?"
"It's my day off. Thought I might treat myself to something, not sure what yet."
"Sounds exciting," Virgil smiled.
"I wish your stall was still here, seeing the glistening jewles and buying those pretty necklaces-"
"-seeing your crush,"
"Shut up! I did not like him!"
"Emma, you were so smitten,"
"I was not!" she blushed, laughing.
"It was so obvious," he laughed.

The two laughed and walked through the stalls, reminiscing about their childhood. For once, he never passed either of their minds, and they wanted to keep it that way.

Aaaaaaand another chapter is done! I hope you guys like Emma! If any of you were wondering about the photo in Logan's watch, it's a painting shrunk small. I hope you guys enjoyed this short chapter (sorry, writer's block) and as always,

Peace Out Homesickles!

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