Chapter Twenty-Five

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10 October, 1345.
Stormhold Castle,
The walled city of Rothwell,
Capital of Myknos.

Queen Khasi Malik of Shiv'ra and Myknos

Khasi stared over the battlements and smiled at the vast green lands she saw spread out before her. It was such a refreshing change from the golden sands of Shiv'ra that got everywhere. Her brother Khalid had always laughed, wondering how she hadn't still gotten used to it but she never humored him with her reply.

She never had plans of staying in that sand accursed kingdom; Khasi was born to dominate and dominate she would once she had the three kingdoms under her feet.

The cold October wind brought in the scent of the forest and the sounds of her guards feasting down below. They had just won a battle and seemed ignorant of the war yet to come.

"War." She whispered, hating the way the word rolled off her tongue.

War destroyed lives and families but it was a necessary evil she was willing to delve in if it meant her plans would come to fruition.

Another gust of cold wind blew more forcefully in her direction as if the country itself didn't want her there but she braced herself with her arms and waited till it had stopped to make her way off the wall, making a mental note to request for warmer garments from her hand maidens.

She rubbed her arms and made her way down to the courtyard, all the way wondering how Lord Felfar was coming along with their plans for the mountain clan but her thought process was stopped by a rather hilarious scene at the centre of which was a beautiful figure.

Her red hair shone and reflected the moonlight and the dancimg flames of the torches lining the walls as she scolded a guard that had dared to cross her path.

Khasi couldn't help but notice how the Lady seemed to glow with power as she stood her ground against a man that was more than a head taller than her and power was one thing she, above everyone else, enjoyed.

Her body pulled her in the direction of the fire haired woman and for the first time ever, she felt rather nervous. What it was she found intimidating about the woman, she didn't know but what she did know was that she wouldn't be able to rest until she had figured it out.

The woman's voice got louder, forcing her to hurry her lazy strides. From her vantage point, she could see the guards hand tighten dangerously on the hilt of his sword and just as his last thread of patience had come loose, he saw his Queen approaching.

Khasi smiled to herself as the woman only raised her chin higher to meet her unknown saviors eyes. If she was surprised to see her, she didn't show it but the flicker of fear in her deep green eyes was more than Khasi had expected to see.

"Lady Emelne. Bothering the guards as usual. What's your complaint this time?" Khasi asked in a tone she deemed condescending.

The Lady in question raised her chin even higher like all the other noble ladies at court and hardened her beautiful features.

Khasi only raised a brow in surprise at her blatant display of rebellion. She was either ignorant of her Father's contribution to Khasi's quest or had a knowledge of their alliance and didn't think herself subject to the new ruler.

Either way, the Lady stood her ground and that made Khasi's smile widen. There was nothing she loved more than a woman that could hold her own in this male infested world.

"Walk with me Lady Emelne." She requested in a more polite tone that showed that if the latter did refuse there would be no dire consequences.

A crack appeared in the Lady's stony facade as she questioned the request. And Khasi, also another first for her, made to explain her request.

"Its a rather lovely night and it would be a waste to spend it indoors, wouldn't it?"

She watched as the woman considered her words ignorant of how loudly Khasi's heart pounded in her chest at the thought of being rejected. Her fists had clenched at her sides as she braced herself for the rejection that was sure to follow when she spoke.

"What did you have in mind?"

A smile broke out across Khasi's face that pulled at the scar above her eyebrow but she ignored it for the thought of spending a whole night with this woman excited her even more than the thought of gaining all three kingdoms.

"How do you feel about parties?"

Awww Little Khasi's falling in love😜😜😜

Oooh I'm so so happy.

I hope this didn't creep you guys out. 😁😁

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Au revoir 😘😘😘

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