Chapter Eighteen

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There will be a chapter after this notice. But read this first if not this Chapter won't make any sense.

Okay for those reading this book for the first time this does not affect you so you can read on.

But for those that have been reading the book, I added a new Chapter 11. The reason for this change is that it was brought to my attention that I didn't describe how Odeya escaped so I did and I brought in a new character that you would see in this chapter. So you could read that again before proceeding.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience but it's so that the book will be more interesting for my lovely readers.

Thank you so much and enjoy your chapter.

September 30, 1345.
Lliw Village,
The city of Tyrene,
The Wine center of Myknos.

Lady Odeya Katarina Black

She wiped the sweat from her head with the back of her hand and looked all around her. Women worked tirelessly stomping on grapes and other berries for wine while the men slaved away weeding and trimming the large vineyard. Half of those men she knew to be mercenaries hired by her father.

It had been a month since the Harvest Festival and they hadnt still attacked. The tension kept her on her toes and she was sure that was the how he wanted them to feel. They had come in the tens and now the village was crawling with them.

Few of them bothered to lie low and do menial jobs but the others settled for drinking in the pubs and causing trouble. More than once, the Knights had to stop it from getting serious. How hadn't their presence been reported yet, she didn't know but she suspected the Lord of Tyrene was in on it. She watched them from the shadows, seeing those they could buy over to their side.

Tamhas had his own role to play traveling to other towns and puling in favors from friends he had amassed over the years. He had just returned from Mahoyn with some good news and Alyn had sent word that Hayden had been able to buy some minor lords over. Minor Lords with a great army.

When Alyn mentioned Nicolas in her letter, her heart tightened as she thought about the kiss they shared and the look he had given her as she fled Stormhold. Her hands involuntarily flew to her lips and a tear almost escaped her eyes.

Every night she prayed for his well being and every night she longed for him. He had become an important part of her life in such little time that she found it hard to live each day without seeing his face. Tears she had not shed yet threatened to burst from her eyes as she remembered the broken look in his eyes as she rejected him.

She turned to take a break but stopped when she saw Tamhas approaching, his face bearing a look that something important had happened. She walked to meet him halfway and attempted to question him but he placed a finger to his lips and dragged her to one far corner of the field.

She questioned him with her eyes and when he was finally satisfied that they were alone, he spoke.

"Sarhan just returned from your father's camp." He stated, "He was bleeding badly. Someone noticed him spying on your father."

"And what did he find?" She asked not wanting to dwell on the thought that she was going to lose someone else to this damned war and irritated by the fact that he was wasting so much time telling her what he had found out.

"Princess Khasi visited camp." He said, eyes not meeting hers, "She was not happy with the way things were going."

"Did he tell you anything else?" She asked not hiding her anxiety any longer.

"Are you not concerned for Sarhan? He's fighting for his life right now." Tamhas said sounding quite annoyed at her uncaring attitude.

"What else did he tell you Tamhas?" She said hurt by the harshness of his words.

"Katharina!" He yelled, "When did you start caring for this bloody war more than the men that are going to die for you?"

"Look Tamhas. This is war. I can't start crying for every soldier that dies. We are all going to die at some point and at least he's giving his life for a good cause."

"Oh and what is that? Saving your lovers life?" His words accusation like a slap.

"Nicolas is not my lover and I'm worried for the good of the kingdom." She replied not quite believing her words.

"You're unbelievable, Katharina. You are so bloody selfish. Think about their families. You're so busy pining over a man that wants to hang you for a crime you didn't commit that you have lost what made those men to be willing to die for you."

She turned away at that and hung her head in shame and finally her tears fell. She shook uncontrollably and emptied her soul of all the pain she had been holding back.

"I'm sorry Tamhas. I thought I was strong enough but I can't do it. I can't! Its too bloody hard! Nicolas hates me. I can't get enough men to help him. I've lost my mother and we still don't know what they are still planning!" She cried.

Tamhas hugged her from behind looking mortified as she sank into him and wept her heart out. Odeya could feel herself getting weaker and weaker with each sob she let out but she didn't care anymore; he had lost everything she ever cared about. All hope was lost.

"You haven't lost everything Katie. There's some good news."

"Oh and what's that? You bought some more men over?" She laughed sardonically.

"No. Its more important than that." He said, sounding a bit scared.

She sat up suddenly interested in what he had to say.

"What else did he find Tam?" She asked, suddenly on alert. Whatever Tamhas wanted to tell her couldn't be good news. If it was, he wouldn't be wearing that despondent look on his face.

"He found your mother."

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Hey hey hey!!! I'm back. Thank you guys so much.

1.11k readers are you kidding me?

I love you all.

Ahfey_ladiva stay awesome.

 4larkeh and all my other readers I love you all.

♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥ ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥

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