Chapter Twenty-Two

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October 2, 1345.
The Wailing Wench,
The city of Dromnerty,
The Harbour town of Myknos.

Lady Odeya Katarina Black

"Mother?" Odeya asked in shock, still trying to process the scene in front of her.

She had expected...well expected something less fancy or comfortable. Here was the mother she thought had been in mortal danger alive and looking better than ever.

"Are you unwell dear?" Her mother asked getting up.

She was also a tall lady, nearly her daughter's height, with a slim build. Her long curly black hair that reached her bottom shone from a good amount of oils and brushing. The daisy scent that always surrounded her mother hung in the air filling Odeya with a sense of nostalgia.

She had missed her mother, there was no doubt about that but seeing her so well dressed and happy sent a pang of hurt into her gut.

'Didn't she want me? Why didn't she look for me?' Odeya's thought, her heart breaking a little more with each question.

"You look rather pale." She fussed, "Haven't you been eating?"

Odeya was stunned into a silence that she couldn't explain. She had spent the last few years of her life thinking her mother had been held captive but here she was standing, as beautiful as ever in a gown that looked brand new. All the words she had hoped to say died in her throat right beneath the question;

"How?" She stuttered, "How are you..."

"How am I what?" Her mother asked, confusion marring her beautiful features.

"Healthy?! Not tied up like a prisoner?! Father told me he..."

"Your Father has always had a flair for the dramatics.  When he told me what he had planned for you, I told him I didn't support it and he sent me off because he knew I'd have run away with you." Lady Dionea explained, leading her to the bed.

When she didn't sit, her mother continued, "I tried so hard to get back to you Katie. But you know how your Father is. Once he saw that I wouldn't stop trying to get to you, he tied me up and sent me here." She risked everything and placed a hand on her daughter's, hoping for a little bit of closure, "I never stopped trying Katie."

Odeya's eyes filled with tears she didn't know she had. Ever since she met Nicolas, she had a hard time controlling her emotions and now that she craved control the most, it had abandoned her again.

A treacherous tear made its way down her face and fell onto their entwined hands causing both of them to stare at each other at the same time.

They stared at each other for a brief moment before bursting into tears. Fighting all restraints, she hugged her mother fiercely and cried her soul out. Suddenly nothing mattered; she was finally with her mother and nothing would separate them ever again; if ever there was a way they could make it out of here with their lives.

The door opened, ruining their happy moment and they turned to see Roman and Kinaird walk in, two maids in tow, holding trays piled with food.

"Dinner is served Ladies." He announced, smiling rather salaciously, "Our Laird will be happy to see his family reunited."

Odeya perked up at his comment. Her Lord Father would be coming here? That would complicate things greatly. She had to get herself and her mother out before he came. Lord Black didn't pick up a sword often but when he did, he was rather formidable.

Panic filled her at the thought as she came to a sad realization that even though she tried to act tough and unafraid, deep down she knew she was terrified of her Father. Terrified of how powerful he was and how deadly he could be.

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