Chapter Fifteen

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I'm so sorry for not updating ever since. I was having a bad case of writers block and I didn't even know my own story anymore. Either way I'll figure it out. So here's another one for you.

August 17, 1345.
Stormhold Castle,
The walled city of Rothwell,
Capital of Myknos.

Lady Odeya Katarina Black

She awoke at the early hours of morn when even the birds were still asleep. She held the folded letter close to her chest and hoped he would read it and not rip it to shreds.

She had hoped he would actually follow through on her plan and she was grateful for not telling him the other parts of the plan. She had only meant to push him to focus not hate her.

How it pained her to lie to him but for the sake of the land she had to push her feelings aside.

Why do I always have to sacrifice my happiness for others?

She thought as a silent tear made its way down her cheeks. She was tempted to breakdown and release all the pain she had kept locked up but once again, she had to be strong.

Where was this damned woman?

She thought and as the saying goes, speak of the devil and he appears, the doors to the dungeons opened and she stood expecting to see Alyn.

"Oh thank God. I have been waiting for you ever since. What took you so long?" She questioned.

The hooded figure remained silent but walked to the cell before taking off the hood to reveal the last face she expected to see. She couldn't help the gasp that escaped her lips. Cold black eyes stared at her with a malicious smile.

"Hello Odeya." She said, "Oh were you expecting someone else?"

"Why are you here Princess Khasi?" Odeya asked.

"Tsk tsk." She tutted, her accent making it sound funny, "Your friendship with my brother and his friends seems to have made you lose the respect you should have for your superiors."

"Pardon my rudeness Princess Khasi. This place seems to be messing with my mind." She said with a curtsy, curiosity burning inside her.

"I came to convey a message from your father."

" Father?" She asked suddenly scared at the thoughts in her head, "How do you know my father?"

"Oh he hasn't told you yet? His loyalty must be rewarded then. My father will be most pleased to hear this." Khasi said enjoying the way she was pulling her strings.

Finally, the princess decided to put her out of her misery.

"We have been sponsoring your Father's mission." She deadpanned.


"My Father and I. Little Khalid knows nothing of this." She said pacing outside the cell like a cat stalking its prey.

"Why? I thought you and Nicolas were friends? Your kingdoms have been allies for centuries." She questioned.

"The past kings of Shiv'ra might have formed an alliance with Myknos but it was only due to fear. We are a small but greedy nation. We love to conquer just like our ancestors and we've departed from our ways for far too long." She explained.

'Where is Alyn?' She wondered.

'Keep her talking. Alyn might be listening in.' Her subconscious advised.

"Why now? Why wait for so long?" She asked seeping some curiosity into her voice.

"I wouldn't tell you ordinarily but since you're all about to die it can't hurt." Khasi replied, "We watched and bidded our time and ten years ago, we realized that to destroy a nation, you had to start from the inside. King Gregory's brother provided us that opportunity. We would have supported him but he was too loose mouthed and we couldn't risk exposure if he failed."

"So you're using my Father and at the end you'll..." Her eyes widened at the realization.

"Yes. Execute him. We let him think he'll be the new king. He's strong and we can't have him coming back to attack us."

"Princess Khasi think about Nicolas and Alyn. Please don't hurt them. Give them a chance to surrender or at least a fighting chance. It is cowardice to slay an unarmed man."

"Cowardice or not. We both know Nicolas is too head strong to surrender. And we can't destroy the people we hope to rule. Once they see the army at their doorsteps the royalty will have no choice to surrender. They seem to love their people too much to put their lives in danger. I don't see the point." She explained further.

"Why are you telling me all this?" Odeya asked with a new found respect for the evil genius standing before her.

"See that's where the fun is. You're about to be executed and even if you told anyone they'd call you insane. How would I be capable of such madness?" An evil glee came to her eyes that was illuminated by the torch burning brightly on the wall, "Women are much smarter than we are expected to be. Don't you think so?"

With that she sashayed away, leaving the scent of dread in the air. Princess Alyn crept in with a worried looking Prince Hayden in tow not a minute later. Her eyes were wide and puffy.

"We have to do something. Tell someone. Nicolas has to know. We can't just..." Alyn stuttered.

"Oh Alyn." She sighed, trying to offer a bit of comfort to the little princess.

Hayden held the now sobbing princess, rubbing her hair and whispering calming words. Odeya's heart tightened seeing this small display of affection.

'If I had told Nicolas how I felt, would he have held me the same way?' She wondered.

Alyn turned to her with a new fire in her eyes and told her of the new plan.

"That sounds brilliant but won't you be arrested for it?" She asked prince Hayden.

"My men are smart. They won't be wearing their armour." He said smiling with a little bit of mischief.

She lifted an eyebrow at him and he shook his head. If there's one thing Odeya hated it was surprises and this surprise had her shaking even as the guards came to drag her to the gallows. Her life depended on it and she could only pray it all went well.

Thank you my lovely and patient readers.

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I owe you guys a big thank you and for that here's another chapter.

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