Chapter Three

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July 28, 1345.
Stormhold Castle,
The walled city of Rothwell,
The capital city of Myknos.

Lady Odeya Katarina Black

Mornings in Stormhold were beautiful and in some ways, a routine had developed over the years except on days when royalty from other kingdoms were visiting or the prince was returning from a long trip and such was this morning. Prince Nicolas had just returned from Imras after a long month away and although the nobles were happy he was back safely, the servants were utterly terrified. He frustrated them a great deal and did not hesitate to make them feel worthless.

Maids rushed about in the kitchens helping the fat cook, Madame Elma, prepare breakfast for the royal family while the others delivered hot water their chambers. Odeya carried dirty bed linens in a basket to the laundry and she had almost collapsed too many times under the weight of it. She was uncomfortable in the itchy woollen dress and undergarment but she had to endure it for the sake of blending in and walking in the small shoes was a huge problem for her.


The basket fell to the floor as she hit someone while trying to walk carefully with the huge basket blocking her line of vision.

"I am so sorry. I could not see where I was going and I..." She said in a girly voice but stopped when she saw the expensive pair of leather boots in front of her. She slapped herself mentally and groaned at her bad luck.

'Great. I'm losing my job on my first day.' She thought.

"I am so sorry my Lord. I promise you it will not happen again." She said again, quickly shoving the sheets into the baskets.

"I am not your lord you dim-witted servant!" He yelled, "I am your prince. Clear this mess up at once!"

Fear held her immediately and she dared not look up because he would recognize her immediately. She cursed herself internally and wondered if she was facing judgement for some unknown sin.

"Do you not hear me?!" He yelled again.

"Sorry your Highness." She said, lifting the basket to cover her face.

Her muscles groaned under the weight of the load she was carrying but she ignored it and walked briskly, hoping he would not recognize her but as her bad luck went, Myknosian women were neither pale skinned nor black haired.

"Stop!" He yelled.

She threw her basket on the floor and ran which was not a smart move. She sped past maids who dropped what they were holdings in shock and tried to make her way out of the castle. The place was confusing her as she tried to make her way out in full speed and as tried to open a secret corridor she had found he caught her and pinned her force fully to the wall with her arms behind her.

"Did you really think it would be that easy to get away from me?" He asked.

He pulled away from her and gave her a once over stopping at her chest and looking at her exposed cleavage shamelessly.

'Pervert.' She said.

"Are you going to question me or stare at me like some untried lad that just saw his first naked lassie?" She said in her real voice.

That seemed to snap him out of his reverie and his signature scowl was back. He drew his sword and took a defensive stance, making sure his privates were safe this time.

"Why are you in my castle assassin?" He asked staring at her with a serious expression.

She raised an eyebrow at him and noted that he held his sword in his left hand not the right. The injury would have helped her escape but guards would have surrounded her in minutes. She sighed in defeat and looked him square in the eyes. He gasped then shook his head.

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