Chapter Twenty-One

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Sorry for the delay.

Enjoy the chapter :-)

October 2, 1345.
Lomnag road,
The city of Dromnerty,
The Harbour town of Myknos.

Lady Odeya Katarina Black

Odeya studied the men, hauling cargo off a ship, through the brim of her fisherman's hat, noting the guards that dotted the wharf. The place was alight with activity even though it was nearly nightfall, warning her that she shouldn't proceed with her plans for that night.

She had looked around the first day they got there and some silver coins later, she had her answers. The cabin boy told her of a ship that held many weapons and armor and instantly she knew who it belonged to.

She wanted to question him further but decided against it. It wouldn't do well to arouse his suspicion.

She joined the other fishermen's wives and returned to the main town with their catch of the day.

Tamhas had suggested that it would be better if they pretended to be fishermen rather than aspiring ship workers.

"Do you even know how to fish?" She recalled herself asking.

"No. But it can't be that hard right?" He said with a laugh.

She smiled at the familiar memory and unknowingly caught the attention of an older woman there.

"Thinking about your husband, are you?" She asked with a knowing smile.

"Pardon? Oh yes I am." She said with an awkward laugh and shy smile.

That egged the woman to continue with her pestering.

"I remember when I was a newly wed meself. The older women teased me a lot but I didn't mind. My Daryl was a gentleman. Heck he still is." She said with a nod, "What's your name little miss?"

"Mary." She said using the name she and Tamhas had come up with.

"How would you like to join my husband and I for dinner tonight? I make a mean fish stew." The old lady suggested.

"Thank you very much for the invitation but I'll have to decline."

"It's alright. Maybe some other time then." She said with a smile, "You sound well bred for a fisherman's wife. Where did you say you were from again?"

"Far north. A small town called Shayton. My father was a cobbler. Worked for the Earl."

"Oh. Alright. Good night Mary." The old woman said waving good bye.

She turned to leave the procession of the woman as they gossiped their way home. The dark, stone lined street gave way to a small district of Domnerty known as New Market.

It was a lively little street that housed a popular tavern, The Harridan, and brothel that was patronized majority by the foreigners.

It was no place for a woman to walk unattended but the men lining the cobblestoned path knew better than to accost her, unless they wanted to lose their family jewels.

Some stared at her far longer than she would have liked but she played the role of an innocent maiden well and she blushed. They raised their cups in greeting and she continued on her way.

She met Tamhas and a few of the friends they'd made the first day they had arrived already drinking. She prayed for the silly bastard's sake that he had not gone too far into his cups or he would get more than a earful from her.

He greeted her with a rather bawdy cheer and she knew then that he had indeed gone too far. She moved to sit beside him, as befit a good fisherman's wife, but his drunken self had other thoughts.

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