Chapter Eleven

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For first time readers, this message doesn't apply to you guys so you can enjoy the chapter.

But to my old reader's, sorry for the way I ended things before. I am new to whole writing thing and I hardly ever edit my workBut thanks anyway for understanding and sticking with me through it all.

Enjoy your chapter.

August 13, 1345.
Stormhold Castle,
The walled city of Rothwell,
Capital of Myknos.

Her guard dragged her to an even deeper part of the forest and flung her onto a horse and mounted behind her. They seriously had no care for her poor abdomen. The saddle dug in painfully. Three other heavily armed men rode behind them dimming her hopes of escape. She decide to at least use her good sense of direction again to try and determine their destination.

She noticed after a while that they were riding west ward and that the once muddy forest floors became rocky and uneven. At some point, of even started to slope upwards.

The sun was high in the sky and beat down harshly on her lightly covered back and it seemed they were still yet to reach their destination. It was only then she knew that her father's camp was just temporary and her worry lessened a bit.

They reached another stretch of trees and rode on until they reached a small flowing stream. Only then did they stop for a short break.

The guard she rode with looked younger than the rest and appeared well built. She couldn't see much of his face through the helmet he wore but a pair of bright blue eyes that watched her and a long slightly crooked nose were visible. She was instantly reminded of her Prince.

'Your Prince?' Her subconscious giggled, 'Wow. Apparently that Lady Emelne was right. You really think you're something.'

He squatted in front of her and his eyes shone with amusement at the fact that she hadn't heard what he had said.

"What?" She asked as he started laughing at her. Anger hiding the fact that his voice sounded familiar.

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