Chapter Thirty-One

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October 20, 1345.
Cassidy's Fort,
The Queen's Mound,

Prince Hayden of Imras

Hayden loved surprises but surprises that came with good news and not one bringing news of impending doom. And it was do that the surprise came in form of a Princess he was in love with.

If anyone had told him that he'd be seeing Princess Alyn dressed in mens clothes outside his room door, he'd have called the person barking mad. But here she was shivering from the cold holding on to him for dear life.

Still too stunned to speak, he pulled her gently into the room and watched as she walked to pour herself a drink.

Her hands shook as she sipped the strong liquor and stared at the fire that burned brightly in the hearth. She had snuck across the border and the feat had shaken her.

This impending war had caused her to do things and see things that she would never have had to face.

He watched her, fully aware that she needed comfort, but not entirely knowing how to provide it. Ordinarily, he would have said something funny to ease the growing tension in the room but even he knew when to hold his tongue.

"I had expected a much warmer welcome on my arrival but it seems I was being ahead of myself." She said breaking the silence, "Sorry we couldn't make your coronation. As you know, my family is in a...tight spot if you will."

Sardonic humor, he noted.

That was never a good sign. Never a good sign at all. She was falling apart and he didn't know whether to hold her or give her space.

Still unsure what to do, he threw caution to the wind and aimed for a light joke.

"It isn't official yet. At least not until I'm wed." He retorted noticing the way her features turned dark.

He understood the reason for such a drastic change in her demeanor.

Just a few weeks prior, he had been professing his love for her and preparing to court her but here they were, a few weeks later, preparing to fight a war their childhood best friend had started.

"Hayden..." She started with a whisper.

"What?" He asked daring to wrap her in his arms, "Its not a good time?"

He laughed humorlessly and continued.

"Its never a good time with you love. Why if I didn't know you better I'd say you this feeling was one sided."

He knew he was being selfish right now. She was already overwhelmed with all that had happened but here he was, adding more weight to her already sagging shoulders.

"What do you want from me?!" She yelled, pushing him away and not hiding the sob that threatened to choke her, "What do you want from me Hayden? You want me to say I love you?"

"No." He said even though deep down that was what he wanted, "I want you to let me help you bear your burdens. I can't stand the thought of you bearing it alone Alyn."

He took a step closer to her and held his breath as he watched her for signs that she was going to flee.

When she didn't walk away, he got bolder and took a step towards her.

"Hayden..." She started but he interrupted her with a kiss.

She needed this, needed to know, needed to feel, needed to see that even in the midst of this war, she was still human.

He kissed her deeply and pulled her close to him, his heart fluttering in his chest when he felt her sink into him.

His kisses got more demanding and she whimperered, eliciting a growl from his chest.

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