Chapter Twelve

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August 13, 1345.
Stormhold Castle,
The walled city of Rothwell,
Capital of Myknos.

Prince Nicolas Alexander Tutton

He watched the sun rise over the busy town of Rothwell and felt a certain level of peace wash over him. All was still well and he would do all in his power to keep it that way. The previous night had been somewhat enjoyable for him, well up until Lord Igneo was found dead that is.

He had rushed to the sanatorium forgetting his mission that night and groaned in frustration when he had finally remembered. He recalled the look on her face when he had presented her with the bow and it brought a feeling to him that he hadn't felt in a while. He didn't know why he did it but when he had noticed her admiring the bow earlier, he really wanted to get it for her.

He had hoped to deliver it anonymously but he decided against that, knowing that the easiest way to get under her defenses was to give her himself.

If she had been faking everything that they had talked about then she was indeed a dangerous foe to reckon with. The artistic way with which she had described her hometown, without letting him know exactly where she grew up and the spark of joy in her eyes made her look even younger than she was and it pulled him to want to know more about her.

Stop it Nicolas! His subconscious scolded.

Nicolas had found himself thinking about her more often than ever before and noticing the little things that she did. The way with which she carried herself even though she tried hard to hide her warrior's posture. She was a beautiful woman and he was sure that if she weren't an assassin, he would consider her beddable.

Long raven black hair that stopped at her waist and gray eyes that left him captivated each time he looked into them. No one person should have that much beauty. He recalled how her firm breasts showed through the thin night garment and robe and the way they felt pressed against his chest as he kissed her ear.

She was indeed a fiery one that made him lose his self control more than once. He was no stranger to the acts of love making but she excited him like a pubescile lad.

The sound of heavy footsteps cut his recollection of the previous night's events short. He turned and was greeted with a happy sight of his best friends already armored up for the day's events.

"Morning old chap." Hayden sang landing a slap on his armored back.

"We knew we'd find you here." Khalid said, "Any luck identifying the poison."

He shook his head, "We've sent samples to the alchemists to try to identify. I only hope we get a positive result even though its too late for Lord Igneo."

He exhaled loudly and let his worries show on his face.

"No no no. I'm not having it. There's a festival going on and we are going to go and enjoy it." Hayden said.

"Someone just died you kookaburra." Khalid scolded.

"Exactly. He. Is. Dead. We are alive so let us celebrate life. We are lucky to be here today. We can still drink, fuck and command people to do whatever the hell we want them to."

"I pity the woman that ends up with you." Nicolas teased.

"She will be one unlucky lassie. I will break her back and wear her knees out from all the..."

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