Chapter Forty - Five

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November 15, 1345.
Stormhold Castle,
The walled city of Rothwell,
Capital of Myknos.

Lady Odeya Katarina Black

"Yes." Nicolas answered with a strange look on his face. "The place it all started."

Odeya looked over the small group of people here; Alyn, King Mathan even Khalid although he looked worse for wear and a few other palace staff. They were all sending knowing looks our way causing her to frown in confusion.


She turned back to see Nicolas with a ring in his hand and a bow in the other.

"Nico what..."

"Its no secret how much I love you Odeya. From the very first moment you waltzed right into a battle you didn't need to fight and nearly emasculated me." He interrupted causing laughs to erupt around us. "I'm not the best with words and neither am I the best at understanding people's emotions but...These past few months have been nothing but extraordinary, knowing you and working beside you to restore my kingdom and I've decided I don't want to know what it feels like to wake up without you by my side and preferably under me."

A hot blush erupted on my cheeks and neck area at the innuendo which I could tell wasn't lost on anyone.

And he said he wasn't good with words.

"I won't deign to assume you feel the same way about me but by God I hope you do." He breathed out, emotion leaking from everyword. "But I'm not a man to force anyone to stay by my side."

She wondered at the unsure look on the face of the man she had met all those months ago in these same woods. Comparing it to the proud untrusting look he had had then, she knew just how much the war and loss of his parents had changed him.

She was sure she wanted nothing more than to protect this man from any more pain.

When she had found out about her father and mother's deaths, she had felt no great loss inside of her for her father but she had mourned the relationship she could have had with her mother.

Nicolas had been a steady source of support during that time, holding her when she had wept and wiping her face when she had finally stopped.

"What are you saying, Nico?" She asked wanting to understand him better.

"I'm asking Odeya..." He started looking more scared than his tone let on. "Will you choose to leave this weak king and run free forever or will you stay by this crippled king's side and help me rule the kingdom you fought to save?"

Shock, fear, apprehension and intense love for this man went through her at his words.

He loved her, that much was obvious, but he loved her more than he let on to offer her a chance at the freedom she had sought for all her life.

"Nico..." Words failed her as tears pooled in her eyes.

She stepped forward and kissed him, pouring all the emotion she felt for him with words she didn't dare speak lest the wind chase them away.

"Odeya." He whispered brokenly as they separated.

"I will stay with you, Nico, crippled or no. Till the end of time." Her words poured out as sure as she felt. "I love you."

She didn't see him move but felt the strength of his grip and his lips on hers.

They kissed for what seemed like the eternity they were to share until cheers rang out from the crowd behind them.

"Does this mean you'll marry me, Odeya?" He asked once more.

She shook her head at him.

"Yes, you silly man." She laughed. "How many ways do you want me to say it?"

Cheers rang out.

"I just wanted to be sure you're not against becoming my wife here and now." He laughed. "I made preparations just in case you changed your mind."

Alyn and a couple of palace ladies rushed forward pulling her towards a tent she hadn't noticed set up and helped her change into a resplendent dress in white silk, embellished with precious stones and frills of expensive lace around the hem and neck line.

They didn't let her waste time gushing over the dress and pulled her into a chair so they could tame her hair into a bun at the back of her head but knowing Nicolas, she knew he'd hate it.

He'd always professed his love for her hair running free and wild down her back.

Due to her too pale complexion, they dabbed rouge her cheeks to give her some color then crushed some rose petals and used the juice to stain her lips.

Draping her with a delicate diamond three step necklace and matching earrings, they dubbed her ready and went to announce her.

Sweat beaded at the back of her neck as the curtains at the tent entrance were pulled back.

Her hands shook with the surprising fear that filled her.

She wanted, beyond all reasonable doubt, to spend the rest of her life with Nicolas but Odeya couldn't imagine why he'd want to spend the rest of his life with her knowing full well she carried traitors blood in her.

She had feared the reaction of the people of his court when he'd announced his intentions and she couldn't help but fear that even after they were married, they might only regard her life with polite indifference.

Would she really be able to rule by his side?

She didn't even know his people as she'd grown up separated from them. Would they even regard her?

A hand in hers stopped the tremors she hadn't even known she was having and the dark train of thoughts that had taken over her mind.

She opened her eyes and turned to see Alyn standing by her with a small smile on her face.

"You'll do great." She told Odeya, squeezing her hand.


"You already led our men to war and came out victorious."

Odeya took a deep breath and let it out.

"I'm ready."

And so she was led down the aisle to a smiling Nicolas who had tears in her eyes as he watched her approach.

The sermon was short but Odeya barely heard a word of it as she watched Nicolas through the veil. She couldn't believe that this handsome, flawed yet beautiful man was finally hers to...

"Love and hold. To cherish in sickness and health, for richer or poorer. Till death do us part."

With the words the rings were brought forth and prayers said over them.

"You may now kiss the bride."

Odeya's breath hitched as he lifted the veil, grey eyes clouding over with a storm of emotions that choked her.

God she loved this man.

"Odeya I..."

She stole the words from him as she wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss that told him exactly how she felt.

And with the cheers of their friends and wellwishers behind them, they stepped into their carriage to begin life as man and wife.


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