Chapter Twenty-Three

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October 2, 1345.
The Wailing Wench,
The city of Dromnerty,
The Harbour town of Myknos.

Lady Odeya Katarina Black

Odeya stared at her mother, an inky soup of emotions churning in her mind.

The words played over and over in her head but she still couldn't believe they were real.

"I didn't." She confessed causing Odeya's mouth to hang open in surprise, "I never tried to. That was just a ruse I knew would get your attention."

She staggered backwards and put out an arm to stop her mother as she made to suppprt her.

"Don't." She whispered, feeling her heart contract with pain, "Don't touch me."

Thankfully, the woman respected her wishes and stood by the window giving her daughter her much needed space.

Odeya had never felt claustrophobic but the walls of the tiny room bore down on her heavily and the close proximity to her mother did nothing to ease her pain.

Surprise at how manipulative her mother could be passed through her again and she struggled to find the right words to voice the questions in her mind.

She stared at her mother again and shook her head. It was no wonder she and her father had gotten along so well. They were both good at manipulating people into doing what they wanted. She wondered...

Was it possible that the whole thing about her having to kill the Prince to save her mother...was it possible that the whole thing was a sham? A ruse to get her to do what they both wanted.

"No." She muttered to herself. She tried hard to recall some of the good memories she had had with her mother but it was quite hard to get the thought out of her head.

'Don't be such a coward Odeya. Ask the damn question.' Her subconscious scolded.

She took a deep breath to calm herself and called on the reserves of her strength before asking the question that could make or break her sanity.

"Mother. Did Father really ship you off or..."

"No he didn't." Her mother interrupted, ignorant of the fact that her words had sent a knife through her daughter's heart, "Is that what you want to hear?"

Odeya's head snapped up.

"I know I might have manipulated you into coming here but it was because I knew you'd be safer with me."

"Mother you're..."

"I would never play such a dirty trick on you." She said coming to sit beside her daughter, "Yes I did play one on you but I could never put you through something so despicable."

"I don't know what to believe anymore." Odeya finally breathed out, feeling like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, "I just need to leave this place."

"I know how you feel. I've been stuck on this ship for so long. So much must have changed."

Odeya watched as her mother got a distant dreamy look in her eyes but all she could think was 'how the hell are we getting out of here?'

She looked at her mother again and an idea dropped in her head that brought an odd smile to her face. It was rather daring and she didn't think her mother would be up for it but who cared? Freedom was worth any price.

The thought of the long ride she had back to Rothwell threatened to discourage her but she knew that Myknos needed her and she sure wasn't going to let anything stop her.

Short chapter I know buuttt I'm rewarding you with not one but three chapters so I think I've been forgiven right?

Anywho, you know the drill by now

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Ciao 😘😘😘!

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