Chapter Thirty-Six

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October 23, 1345.
Cassidy's Fort,
The Queen's Mound,

Princess Alyn Midika Tutton

"And if I don't?" She heard Hayden ask.

"Well. You've already seen how accurate my archers are." Sparing her a crooked smile, he added, "And I get to keep your woman."

'What?!' Alyn wondered.

She was no bargaining chip but then again was she really in any position to argue.

The savages had them surrounded and one wrong move from anyone would mean instant death.

Her head turned to Hayden just as he looked at her, a grim look coating his usually playful face. A look she knew brought more foreboding than the rumble of thunder and lightning signifying an oncoming storm.

He turned away from her to face the leader of the savages that still watched her with those piercing blue eyes that betrayed nothing akin to human emotion.

"For years our people have lived in harmony. A system that involved neither of us having to cross blades. Why then do you choose to attack those riding under the Kings Banner, Vaer Stormborn?" Hayden asked trying to erase traces of fear from his voice even though she could still hear the hints of uncertainty in their deep undertones.

"The Kings my father and his father before him had formed alliances with are long dead. And you pompous lot only respected the alliance because you got the longer end of the stick, living in warm castles and having soft furs to line your beds leaving us with what?" He argued, "Snow and rock to lay our heads on. No more!"

Rounds of shouts went around the camp causing a wave of panic to spread through her. If the Hunt or whatever it was didn't favor them, it would spell death for all of them there and worst of all the downfall of Myknos.

"Vaer," Hayden started, "I propose a battle to the death..."

"No!" Alyn suddenly called out walking towards the men. The ring of barbarian soldiers sent her disapproving looks and made rude remarks as she interrupted Hayden and Vaer? "Lord Vaer. We don't need to have a fight to the death to settle this. What you want is a castle of your own and a thriving city for your people. That can easily be gotten if you ride with us into battle. With the support of both Myknos and Imras, you could have a castle of your own and live like a king. All without shedding blood."

The barbarian chief laughed and causing his soldiers surrounding the camp to slap their chests and utter war cries that left her skin crawling with fear. These men were seasoned warriors that wouldn't hesitate to cut them down where they stood and they had already proved that with the number of men whose blood and bodies now lay on the cold floor beneath them.

"I had heard from my father that you were a cowardly lot but now I've seen it with my own eyes. You leave a woman to beg for your life rather than die a most honourable death. And you," He muttered turning to face her, eyes glowing with mirth, "You're quite brave for a woman but this is no place for pretty speech. Wait a few moments and I'd put that little mouth of yours to good use."

His men roared around them and she bowed her head as an angry flush coated her skin. How dare he talk to her like that? And how dare she not hate him for speaking to her so?

She opened her mouth to reply him but was interrupted by Haydens angry reply.

"I don't need a woman to fight my battles Vaer." Hayden said darkly, all trace of emotion gone from his voice, "Face me like a man in a battle to the death. Winner takes all. I do not take kindly to insults to my woman. Alyn stay out of this."

"No Hayden!" She yelled, "I can speak for myself."

"This doesn't concern you!"

"As long as with every second we spend here we put my brthers life at risk, this matter concerns me. Lord Vaer," She tried again, pouring emotion into her voice so he'd see how desperate she was. A risky move it was, but one she didn't mind playing. They had left Cassidy's Fort early to make it to the Western pass by sundown and Myknos by morning but with this distraction, they had a long way to go and each second wasted here meant a step away from her brother and kingdom at large. "You say you're doing all this to provide for your people, but is risking their lives a way to go about it? Ride with me into battle and I'd give you a kingdom worthy of the gods."

"Alyn.." Hayden called.

"No Hayden. Let me finish." Alum scolded, walking towards the barbarian chief with a serious look in her eyes, "Ride by my side, Vaer, and I'll make you the most powerful man alive."

She watched as his blue eyes darkened in lust, Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed, at her bold statement or maybe it was the way she had said his name. Perhaps she shouldn't have poured so much emotion into her words.

If there was ever a time to be afraid, it was now but Alyn didn't care anymore. If she died now, she'd die knowing that she had tried at least. It was better than nothing at all.

Her mind brought memories of her mothers cold dead eyes and her fathers grieving sobs and for a moment, just a brief moment, her vulnerability seeped out.

She knew he had seen it, for his eyes widened a little further and the iciness of his gaze softened but just as quickly as it had gone, it came back harder than before.

"I will grant you your fight to the death King Hayden." He spat, "But it will not be us fighting. Bring out your best soldier and lets see if he's man enough to tell the mighty Ram."

They all watched as he uttered a battle cry so loud it caused the mountains around them shudder or so they thought. What appeared to be the mountains quaking around them was only the foot steps of the largest man Alyn had seen in her entire life.

He stood more than a head taller than the barbarian chief who already towered over the large Imraian soldiers and had shoulders so broad he seemed to fill the space around them.

He yelled and answering cry that this time truly sent shudders through the mountains they stood on.

"So King," Vaer spat, "who's your challenger?"

Silence went around the whole camp, accompanied by nervous mutterings as no one wanted to face the giant.

Alyn looked to the ground in defeat, already mentally preparing for a life of servitude to the barbarians, when  a voice spoke up.

"I'll do it." Hayden spoke staring the giant straight in the eyes, "I'll face your giant."

Hi guys!

I know its been a long time.

Hoe have you been?

If you're seeing this notification, its because well there's been big news that has driven me to write again.

A King's Surrender has won an award!!!!

If you looked at the cover it proudly bears the sticker and I'm super super excited.

Anyway, thanks for sticking with me the entire way.

I hope this new chappies was worth the wait!


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