Echoes of the Dead

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A/N: Hey guys, thank you for all of the reads, I really appreciate it. Hope you like the poems, and even if you don't, that's okay too. Thank you for reading these, and I hope you have a great day/night.

Your still, gray eyes
speak volumes:
they tell of your hopes,
your fears, your doubts,
your dreams, and untold love.

Eyes wide open,
unable to close,
you are so cold,
yet so warm.

Your scent still lingers here,
a curse to remind me of you,
like everything else in this room.

I remember how your eyes
would sparkle as your lips
curled up into a sweet smile.

Things were different then,
But are they so different now?

Abandoned and alone,
force fed by shame and despair,
I am a product of many mistakes.
Face down in the dirt, six feet deep,
is where I belong.

Your sweet smile replays in my head,
your soothing voice relieves depression's ache,
and yet, there is always more to life
than these fleeting moments of comfort.

Still, gray eyes,
they speak volumes to me,
like they are alive.
They tell me that you are here to stay,
and I want to believe it.

Because long after you are gone,
I can still feel you haunting me.

Side by Side...Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ