Pieces of Love

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He loves everyone.
He keeps giving pieces of his heart away,
But he's slowly giving up
Because everyone that he loves
Turns to stone.

No matter how much he begs,
He can't get them to stay,
He can't get them to see his worth,
And he's falling deeper and deeper
Into an eternal pit of nothingness.

Only time knows what's in store for him,
And only death will know of all that he has done
Because in the eyes of others,
His life is as insignificant
As an ordinary house fly.  

He feels like a grain of sand drifting through the breeze,
Unnoticed until the very end.
He feels like his existence is a disease,
Something to be loathed, 
And he can't quite understand why 
Because he keeps giving pieces of his heart away
Only to dread every waking moment. 

With each day another person's heart runs cold.
He feels as though no one can love him, 
But he keeps loving because he knows
What it's like to be alone,
To feel like nothing but a disease,
And he keeps trying, he keeps loving,
But his heart is becoming small and empty.

He doesn't know who to trust, and
He doesn't know if he should believe in himself
Because he thinks that things will never get better.
He thinks that it can only get worse from here, 
But he puts on a brave smile
And keeps giving pieces of his heart away,
Watching it shrink, until the day
When his feelings are finally gone.

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