A Forest

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Trees span the horizon,
Their branches and tallest height
Reach towards the Heavens themselves,
Heavens painted in dismal grey
With trees of inky black
To give a name to Their pain.

Their branches are jagged and sharp,
Their leaves have long since withered away,
The grass at their feet is nothing more 
Than dirt and forlorn stone. 

Birds of the blackest night
Here reside in the foreboding timber
And from their throats spring 
Irksome songs of insanity and dark. 

Their eyes, a piercing crimson, 
Gaze on with disgust and contempt
To rival their fearsome songs. 
Yet, here they sit, content with their doings. 

A pool of water, a pond, 
Is the one thing that remains untouched
By the dizzying darkness,
The waters are clear and pristine,
Welcoming to all who view it.

A Creature, undeserving of existence, 
Staggers towards the pond, 
And in attempting to drink, 
Gazes upon itself for the first time. 

Stunned, it backs away in horror, 
But quickly attempts a second look.
The Creature, staring at itself in disgust, 
Swats at the water and the once 
Pristine liquid turns a shade 
Of darkest ebony.  

The birds take flight, 
Circling 'round the Creature
They shriek in delight
At its misfortune, 
Attacking it with 
Their sharpened claws. 

The Creature, 
Full of self-hatred, doubt, 
And insecurity, collapses 
On the ground as the birds
Grow more fierce in their attack. 

Their claws, their sharpened knives, 
Cut the Beast, splitting its skin 
To reveal the tainted blood within. 
The Animal, the Savage, cries out in pain
Before giving in to the
Overwhelming darkness.
~~~~~Note: This poem is very symbolic, I meant to capitalize the words that wouldn't normally be capitalized, and the "creature" is meant to resemble a human. With that being stated, you're free to interpret it as you like. 

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