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There are many paths that
I would like to take,
and all of them lay before me,
each of them come with their own
individual choices and options,
and all of them would
lead me in directions
that I have never taken
before, but the one path
that I need to take is the one
that is right in front of me,
daring me to grow and
move forward with my life.

I need to gain the courage to challenge myself
and become who I am meant to be
instead of distancing and hiding myself
from what lies on the path before me
because I know that if I try hard enough,
good things will one day enter my life.

The paths that lay before me are numerous,
they diverge and branch out in many directions,
but none of them can ever take me back in time
to the place where I once was happiest;
however, sometimes, the path that hurts the most
is also the one that leads to most growth and happiness.

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