2018/12/10 - An Empty Box

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Today I opened a box,
soon it became nothing more
than an empty box.
I gave a remorseful smile
and tears filled my eyes
because I was reminded of you.

Stupid! So stupid! 
How could I even think
that something like that
was a good idea?
If I could, I would apologize to you
until the day I died, but I
carry the guilt and sadness with me
for all eternity because
a simple apology is not enough
to end a lifetime of agony.

You have returned to me,
your serene image haunts my
blissful dreams
and endless nightmares.
You haunt me, every hour of every day,
but you only smile at me,
asking me to hold you close
like I once did.

That empty box lingers,
I can see it out the corner of my eye.
I long to burn it, 
to erase its very presence from this room.
Too sad to even move, 
I attempt to erase it with my burning stare,
but it refuses to move.

My heart hurts in my chest,
my thoughts are racing again,
and for a brief moment,
your presence vanishes -
I feel more alone than ever before.

But your soft voice and gentle touch
remind me that you are still here.
You flash me that look of deep concern,
I pull you close and assure you 
that everything is fine, but I forgot
that you are too perceptive
to fall for that line.

You rest your head on my shoulder
and sigh, clearly unhappy with my answer.
You know what is troubling me,
you always do,
you just refuse to say anything about it,
and I am thankful for your silence
on that matter.

I always want to cry at the 
mention of your name,
no one understands that you are
haunting me, and
your presence still lingers,
like it is entwined with my soul.
How can I not be upset when
half of my soul is missing?

I am incomplete.

~~~ My body is an empty box: this body, this vessel, lacks a soul. Hey guys, it has been a while? Has it? It probably has been if I can't remember, but I hope that everyone is well. Sorry this is garbage, like the other stuff I write, but I hope that doesn't stop you from having a great day. Have a great day everyone! ~~~

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