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So frail, coming up with phrases 
to soften the crushing blows that 
are a result of death itself.

Every inconvenience 
fills your lungs with fiery despair,
unable to cope with reality
and the feelings that come with it.

Desperately seeking to
replace innate feelings of love and hope
with stoicism and logic.

Lashing out against 
your own emotions, 
wishing to forget them and move on, 
like they don't exist and never will.

Seeking to avoid the truth
of your feelings, trying to avoid that which
has held you by the throat since day one.

Giving up on your dreams
when things go awry, your hope shatters
like broken glass, filling you with 
sadness and despair. 

You know that it is impossible, 
but an inkling of hope still lingers,
causing your immense disappointment.

So frail and brittle, 
afraid to shatter like glass,
I bury my feelings and desires,
hoping that they will never be unearthed. 

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