5/31/2018 - Dreams

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I've never had a dream, 
Something I could hope to achieve, 
Because, for the longest time,
I always thought I 
Would be the death of me. 

I always thought that I would leave
This earth in a hearse of
Purest black, but, 
I've finally found what inspires me. 
I know what I want to do. 

Dreams - for so long
They seemed to elude me,
Never igniting the passion
I so desperately needed, 
But now I'm whole, and
I know what I want to do. 

I have been given purpose,
Something that I never knew before, 
And now I know that there is 
A light in this great darkness. 
For the longest time I stood 
Screaming into an infinite void 
Of nothingness, but now
My mind is clear. 

There are many obstacles that
Stand in the way of my dreams,
But I know that, in due time, 
I will over come them, and be
Reborn as someone worthy 
Of this life I'm living.

At the end of this long road, 
I know that I will find 
The happiness I seek,
And I will become content
With who I am.
There are many obstacles
Standing in my way, but
I know that I can overcome
Them with hard work and determination.

I will let nothing stand in my way, 
I will let nothing hold me back, 
Even if it takes an eternity, 
I will keep on fighting to achieve my dreams. 
They may be several horizons away,
But I will never let myself waver again. 

I will no longer tell myself 
That things only get worse from here,
That I'm not good enough for anything. 
My life has only just begun,
And I plan on letting nothing hold me back.

This grand dream of mine
Is all that keeps me going, and
I swear that I will make it a reality
Before the sands of time run out. 

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