I Don't Want to Exist

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I don't want to exist.

Life is a prison, a cage
that I am trapped in
until the day when
I am finally six feet deep.

Sorrow weighs me down
like a perpetual anchor,
nothing ever relieves an ounce
of its weight.

I don't understand why
I am like this, or why I hate
my body and myself every
single day that I draw breath.

But I do know one thing:
that this existence is one
of meaningless sorrow.

My self-hatred and discomfort
with my body hinder me from
living a normal life, it's so bad
that I can't stand to breathe
or acknowledge that I exist.

I know that things will never
get better because they never do,
these thoughts and feelings
prevent me from doing anything
to change my situation.

I hate my entire existence,
it would be better for everyone
if I simply didn't exist,
But hopes and wishes never come true.

But even so, I still wish
that I didn't exist, that I will
quietly die in my dreams,
even if I know that it will never happen.

This life is a prison,
weighted down with sorrow,
I don't want to exist.

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