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~Seven Years Later~

Six months after Nala delivered her twins, Eddie and Phiphi, YF/N was declared to be in remission and able to be released from the hospital. Upon his release, he found a nice apartment in Trost where Jean and I often visited him. However, on his one-year anniversary since he was first diagnosed, it was found that the cancer returned and had spread to his lungs. He underwent three months of radiation and chemo at the hospital until he refused any further treatment and returned home. He made peace with whatever the outcome would be. That time, YM/N was informed of YF/N's condition. To everyone's surprise, she boarded the first flight to Trost and was there within a few hours. The two rekindled the flame they once had, and YM/N worked to ease YF/N's suffering until he passed away almost seven months later. YM/N said it was the most peaceful seven months of their lives.

I saw my mother cry for the first time the day my father died.

After YF/N's death, YM/N and I sat down and had a long heart to heart. She abandoned the Order and wanted a true mother-daughter relationship with me. We both knew it would be a long and tedious road, but we were both willing to do whatever to mend our fractured hope. However, my mother couldn't abandon H/P. Her elderly parents were there, and I understood that. So, I took her to the airport one month after YF/N's funeral. We cried...we laughed...we bonded.

That was the first time she told me she loved me.

Before my father's death, Alexandra and I became friends. We weren't close enough to say we were best friends, but there was a silent understanding and respect between us. We were close enough to overlook and forgive what had happened between us. We also began a campaign that offered a safe place for women on campus against violence and sexual harassment.

It is still a movement today.

One year after YF/N's death, Kellen was arrested at Sina University for secretly filming and distributing sex tapes without his partners' consent. Four girls in total stepped forward -three from Sina University and the former MRU victim. Because of the evidence stacked against him, he was sentenced to five years in prison, his own father unable to help him. It was a light sentence, but anything was better than nothing in the eyes of his victims. However, nothing was sweeter than watching the embarrassment flash across his face as his case was reported on the news.

That was the best justice I could receive.

Four months after YF/N's passing, Professor Well's second victim found me and thanked me for saving her. She looked so healthy and happy to be alive. Remembering what she was that night and seeing her again was two completely different images. She was full of so much life and choosing to live for her fallen SOA sisters. With the help of Alexandra and the SOA alumni, she founded the Marianna Baegley and Evangeline Crosby Scholarship, awarding $5,000.00 annually to one girl in the SOA House. As she lives, Professor Wells rots in prison.

They live on in that memory.

The day after Nala delivered Eddie and Phiphi, Marco and Armin became a couple while Connie found love with Sasha Braus shortly after that. Eren eventually found Mikasa Ackerman, who turned out to be related to Professor Levi Ackerman. All three couples are still going strong.

Love radiates from them.

As for Jean and I...well, we're still going strong, too. A little over two years after my father died, I was escorted down the aisle by Gertrude and my mother to my groom. On a warm spring day, Jean and I were married beneath the golden sun, our friends and family all present. And as YF/N watched from wherever he was in the clouds, I kissed Jean, making him my husband and lifelong partner.

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