Chapter 17: Hello

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"It is you," he tried to smile. "Hey. Didn't expect to run into you here."

I wanted to reply -I wanted to say something, but all the words were jumbled and tangled into a knot, forming a lump in my throat. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't bring myself to make a peep. I was silent...mute. Speech was out of my reach.

"Y/N," YF/N said, pulling me from myself. "Do you know this fellow?"

I blinked rapidly and nodded, "Y-yeah." I swallowed, glancing between the two men. "Dad, this is Jean. Jean, this is my dad."

Jean glanced down at my father. His expression did not shift into one of surprise or pity, but rather into one that sported a smile. Not just any smile, but a kind and sincere one that reached his fierce stare.

"Hello, sir. It's a pleasure to meet you," Jean said confidently, extending his hand to my father. "Jean Kirstein."

"YF/N L/N," YF/N replied, taking hold of Jean's hand. "The pleasure is mine." The two finished shaking hands and my dad continued, "So, you're the young man I've heard about?"

I could feel my face flush red at that. Despite having had no plans to run into Jean at the hospital from the start, I definitely wasn't about to have YF/N share that bit of information. I mean, why would I? It wasn't like I ever hinted to Jean about discussing him with YF/N.

"I guess so," Jean answered, lifting a brow as he glanced at me. "I didn't realize you two talked about me. I hope it was all good."

"Based off what I hea-" YF/N began.

"Forgive him," I interrupted. "He's saying things. I mean, the treatment has him all wacky, ya know?"

"What are you tal-" YF/N once again started.

"All the drugs got him out of it," I cut him off.

Jean just lifted a brow, his gaze bouncing from me, to YF/N and back again. I honestly didn't know if he bought it, but the less YF/N said, the better. I didn't need any more complexities in my life. After all, I was already confused enough by everything going on.

"Okay, then," Jean said. He shoved his hands into his jeans pockets and turned so that he faced the same way YF/N and I had been. "Are you both enjoying the nice weather?"

I fidgeted with my fingers but nodded, "Yes. My dad wanted some fresh air."

"That's right," YF/N interjected. "If you don't mind me asking, what brings you here, Mr. Kirstein?"

"Please, call me Jean, sir," Jean smiled at my dad. "And, I'm here for a friend of mine."

I knitted my brows together. "Is Marco still here? I thought he would've been discharged by now."

Jean shrugged, "Oh, he was discharged about a week ago, but he had to come for a checkup today." He breathed in a deep breath and sighed, "I told him I'd wait out here until his appointment was done."

That was a relief. I was happy to hear Marco had been released. I mean, I had a feeling that he'd be just fine, but I doubted he enjoyed being cooped up all day while he was there. If I were him, I would have been driven mad with boredom and...anxiety. Lots of anxiety.

"Well, it's good to know he's doing better," I smiled. "You're a good friend for coming with him."

"What happened to your friend?" YF/N questioned, leaning so that way he could see Jean.

"He needed stitches," Jean answered matter-of-factly.

"He was hospitalized for a few stitches?" YF/N pressed.

I hadn't told YF/N about what had happened to the SOA girls over the semester and I was too scared to. With him being sick, I didn't want to worry him even though Professor Wells had already been captured and charged for his transgressions. Still, I just didn't want to place to stress him.

Nervous, I glimpsed at Jean just as he answered, "Well, he got into a bit of an accident."

"Oh, well that changes things," YF/N replied. "Hope your friend is doing much better."

"He is, sir. Thank you, though," Jean grinned.

"Call me YF/N. Mr. L/N is my father," YF/N laughed.

"Thank you si- I mean, YF/N," Jean chuckled. He glanced at me and was about to speak when his cell phone chimed, drawing his attention to it. "Oh, that's Marco. Guess I should go find him." He met my father's gaze and beamed, "It was nice to meet you, YF/N."

"You too," YF/N nodded warmly.

Jean brought his brilliantly golden gape to mine and smiled shyly, "I'll see you around Y/N."

"Yeah," I managed to squeak.

And at that, Jean made for his leave, his back growing smaller with every step he took. I watched, occasionally feeling my breath hitch as I wished for him to turn and run back to me. I sat and hoped, asking some higher power to make him just turn once. Just one little glimpse that would give me some gratification in hope. Just a small glance.

To my surprise, before he left my view, he turned back at me and flashed a small smile before leaving.

"I like him," YF/N said abruptly. "I like him a lot."

**Ello my lovelies! So, that encounter, eh? Were any of you expecting it to go down hill or not really? Be honest. Anywho, thank you so much for everything! Y'all are my favorite peeps! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

P.S. I'm OBSESSED with this song and this group ("Senorita" by VAV). I mean, damn.😍

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