Chapter 13: All She Sees

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~Jean's POV~

"Brought you some real food," I smiled, passing Marco a bag of fast food.

He perked up and happily took it, beaming, "Oh, thank God. I was getting so tired of the menu here."

I slid into the plastic seat next to his bed and sighed, "Yeah. I figured you were getting tired of the hospital garbage here."

I watched as my best friend dug into the bag and began to pull out some of the content in it. He set his burger and fries on the rolling table in front of him, the wrapper crinkling in his grasp. Glee was written across his face, his dark eyes grew wide with excitement. I could tell I had made his day.

"I owe you one," he smiled, taking a bite of his burger. "Oh my God...there's flavor."

I shook my head. "Don't worry about it." I crossed my arms over my chest and continued, "Hey. Any idea when you'll get released yet?"

He swallowed his food and nodded, "Yeah. I'll be free to leave tomorrow afternoon, but I'm supposed to take it easy for a bit."

"I figured that much," I chuckled. "What about exams?"

"What about them?" he questioned, lifting a brow. "I'm still going to take them. I've been using this free time for studying."

That made sense. He was cooped up in a bed for hours a day. It wasn't like he had much else to do. What could he have done? Roll around in a wheelchair and scope out the game? He couldn't do that. So, it was good to see he made use of his spare time.

"So, is the ADA House burning down without me there?" Marco joked, glimpsing at me.

I snorted, "Do you have such little faith in me, Mr. Vice President?"

"Yes," he replied, a small smile lifting the corners of his lips. "Unless Eren's there to keep you and Kellen separated at all time."

I squeezed my eyes shut and huffed, "Don't even mention that prick's name. I can't believe he's receiving Member of the House. I mean, what do the alumni see in him? What does anyone see in him?"

Just the thought of Kellen irked me. The guy was nothing but a tool and no one seemed to notice. Not the alumni. Not the student body. And not Y/N.

I froze. Her name. Her name was lingering in my thoughts. She was in my thoughts. She was always in my thoughts...always. I couldn't do anything without thinking about her. She was always there and, honestly, I wasn't mad about it. I didn't mind that she was there. I actually...liked seeing her in my mind. I liked closing my eyes and seeing her shy smile in my imagination. I couldn't say why, but there was just something about her that made me feel comfortable.

"The sad part is that I can't tell if you're sulking because he's getting that award or if it's because he's dating a certain girl you're fond of," Marco joked.

I perked up and panicked, "I-I'm not...I'm not fond of anyone. I mean, w-who could I possibly -"

"And that answers that," he chuckled. "Just admit it. You have some major feelings for Y/N and don't lie. I see the way you look at her and how your face lights up when you talk about her."

I slouched in my seat, muttering, "That's not true."

But who was I trying to convince that of? Him or me? Because the more I thought about it, the less it remained clear. The boundary I had placed around myself suddenly became very blurred and clouded.

"See, you say that you're not fond of her and that you have no feelings for her, but tell me why is it that you get all flustered whenever her name is mentioned?" Marco questioned, the smile visible in his tone.

I shot him a sharp glance and snapped, "I do not."

He snickered, "You do, too." He pushed his table away and continued, "Look, your face is all red now. You look like a tomato."

I dropped my eyes and hid my face, feeling the way my cheeks and ears burned scarlet. It was so odd to me. I had never reacted that way when talking about any girl before -not even Alexandra. I had always been calm and collected, keeping myself composed and cool. But...the mention of Y/N...just hearing her name made me...not so calm and collected. I always tried to act like a cool cucumber whenever I talked about her or was near her, but I couldn't remain that way. Not even if I tried.

"Honestly, I don't understand why you try hiding it," Marco huffed. "It is so painfully obvious that you genuinely care about her. Shoot, I'd even say you like her, like her."

Like her, like her? I thought, keeping my eyes averted down. I wanted to laugh at him. I wanted to dismiss everything, but I couldn't bring myself to. I knew I couldn't because deep down, I knew part of what he said was true.

I chewed on my lower lip and swallowed, "You know, you're too damn observant." I brought my gaze to him, adding, "But, it's not like any of that matters. She's with Sir Douche-A-Lot and happy."

He lifted a brow. "How do you know she's happy? How do you know she's as happy as you say she is?"

I shrugged, "I mean, isn't it obvious? She's always with him. They're all the campus can talk about."

"No -she's all campus can talk about," he corrected. "She is being recognized for saving Bridgette. The fact Kellen is being brought up has nothing to do with anything." He drew his brows together. "Plus, that still doesn't answer how she's happy with him."

"Come on, Marco," I said sharper than I expected. "We both know that doesn't matter. She's all hung up on him. He has some spell over her."

He lifted his brow once again, shooting me an expression that told me he wasn't satisfied with my response. "He has some sort of spell over her? Him? You honestly believe that?" He began to chuckle, "Jean, you say I'm observant, but the truth is that you're just clueless." He brought those dark orbs to mine, adding, "That girl only wants you."

**Bello my lovelies! Yay! Another chapter has been released. At the time of typing this chapter, it was the holiday season, so it was a little harder to actually finish it, but here it is. I hope y'all liked it. Should be interesting to see where everything goes, huh? Anything, thank you so freakin' much for everything! Y'all are amazing! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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