Chapter 16: Roses and the Courtyard

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"Wanna get some rays today?" I asked, flashing a smile as I wheeled my father to the elevator.

"I've been cooped up in that bed for way too long, so ya don't need to ask," he laughed, glimpsing up at me from his wheelchair. "Want to feel that breeze on my face for a change."

"We'll go to the courtyard then," I beamed.

The doors to the elevator slid open the moment I pressed the button, granting YF/N and I access to an empty lift. I wheeled him onto it and pressed the button for the main floor. It lowered us down, occasionally stopping at a few different floors to pick up new people. Due to that, we rode in silence when we finally reached our level.

I wheeled him out and we began to make our way down the main hall. We passed countless people; doctors, nurses, patients. We made our way, my eyes never once glimpsing up, but one thing crossed my mind. That night when I went with Jean to see Marco. It was ridiculous. Thinking about that night at a time like be thinking about him.

I tightened my grip on the handles of YF/N's wheelchair. Come on. Snap out of it. I barked at myself. Don't think about him...don't think about that dreamy smile, or those nice eyes, or how he looks at you. I shook my head. Bad! Bad Y/N! Bad girl! Stop it! I was scolding myself when I realized I had managed to get YF/N to the courtyard without even thinking about it.

It was stunning. It was a large area blocked off by a tall iron fence that kept people out while allowing patients to enjoy the fresh air. Several walking paths all met in a circle, surrounding a large gazebo that offered seating and shade from the sun. Vast species of flowers and colors sat snug in the mulch, adding vibrant life to the metal and concrete and grass. On top of being a peaceful place, the weather was warm and clear. The sun was out, casting her brilliant gleams down, warming my skin. It was a nice change from the cold and sterile hospital air.

"Would you like to go to the gazebo?" I asked, glimpsing down at my father.

He glanced up and smiled, "Yes."

I did just that, pushing him up the ramp. I halted beside a bench and locked his wheels, taking my seat next to him. We sat in silence, both of us just staring out over the courtyard. There were a few people walking. Some were patients, a couple doctors, and the rest being patients' families most likely taking a breather. Still, everyone kept to their own little worlds.

"Man, it feels so good to be outside," YF/N breathed, a gentle smile lifting the corners of his lips. "It feels so good out here."

"It does, doesn't it?" I agreed. "I like that the weather's warmer now. Winter was getting old."

"It was," he nodded. There was a brief silence before he added, "So, finals are here, eh? How do ya think you're doing on 'em so far?"

I shrugged, "Some I got in the bag and others...well, let's just say I'm hoping for the best."

He chuckled, "Positive thinking."

I chuckled and nodded in agreement, but my thoughts didn't linger on exams very long. They returned instead to a certain person. A certain person I just couldn't seem to shake from my thoughts. It was as if the smallest spec of him remained sprinkled throughout the darkest depth of my mind. And, to be honest, regardless of how much it frustrated me, I still didn't mind.

"It's so beautiful," I breathed, never tearing my stare from the beauty of the flowers.

"Indeed, it is," YF/N agreed.

I was about to open my mouth to talk again when I heard someone say, "Y/N? Is that you?"

And, without thinking, I spun eyes widening as I met his.

**Ello lovelies! Sorry for the sucky chapter. Today was one of those rough days with typing. The good news is there's still something, right? Anyway, bet y'all already know who it is lol. Still, hoped ya liked it! Thank you so much for everything! Y'all are the bee's knees! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

P.S. Since tomorrow is my birthday I'm doing a double posting Friday. :)

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