Chapter 4: Hope

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"Are you okay?" Kellen asked, his voice sounding slightly muffled over the phone.

I bit my bottom lip and shoved my free hand into my hoodie's pocket, tightening my grip on my cell with the other. I had been in H/P for three days and had just gotten around to filling Kellen in with all the details. Well, I had just gotten around to telling him where I ran off to. I had been very vague with informing him about my abrupt trip. I didn't want him to come along and, to be honest, I didn't want to be bothered while there. I needed space to think, but I couldn't avoid him forever.

I breathed in a hardy and tired breath before replying, "I'm fine. Sorry I've been distant. It's just...I'm here for my dad."

As I spoke to my boyfriend, I reminded myself that I was taking a break from the hospital air while the doctors talked to my father. I didn't see it as my place to be in the room at that moment and I was feeling nauseous anyway. Hospital air got to me after a while and spending hours in one for three days straight was taking its toll on me. So, a little air was exactly what I needed.

"For your dad?" he repeated quizzically. "What's going on? Is everything okay there?"

I hesitated, but answered, " Actually, it's not okay. He...he has stage four skin cancer."

"Oh, babe," he said softly. "I'm so sorry. Is there anything they can do?"

"I don't know, really," I sighed. "The doctors are talking to him now. I had to step out to get some air."

There was a brief moment of silence before he continued, "Well, if there's anything I can do, you just let me know. Okay?"

I wanted to snort at that. What could he possibly do? Distract me with dates and sex? Honestly, anything involving those things made my stomach turn at the moment. I couldn't even think about those things. YF/N's health was taking up too much space in my thoughts for me to indulge myself with those things. I was scared and anxious and just an all over mess.

So, I merely faked a smile. "Thanks, babe. Listen, I'm gonna head back in there. I'll try to text or call you later."

"Okay. I'll keep your dad in my thoughts," he said warmly.

"Thanks," I swallowed.

I hung up and slid my phone back into my pocket. I turned and made my way back into the hospital. Even after spending five minutes outside, I still felt like I'd crumble. There was so much weight barreling down on me, making it hard for me to breathe. I couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, and couldn't even think properly. It was as if all my basic human functions short-circuited, leaving me sleep deprived, malnourished, and slowly going insane. That was my world.

But I shoved that all away and did my best to put on a brave front for my dad. I could only imagine how he was digesting it all. If I was sleep deprived, then I was sure he was an insomniac. I mean, he was the one going through it all. I knew he had to be scared and upset, but he was working to not show that. At least, not too much of it.

I wiped away any tears I had been battling during my walk back and straightened my clothes. I reached my dad's door. It was closed. Either the doctors were still talking to him or he was in there all alone. Regardless, I had to go in there. So, I painted on my bravest face and opened the door.

"I'm back," I announced, flashing a smile.

YF/N was in his bed, his gaze tearing from the window upon my arrival. It was just him. It seemed the doctors had already finished chatting with him before I came back which made it less awkward for me. Still, I didn't like the way YF/N's features looked so...unreadable. That was the only way to put it.

"Good. Come here," he sighed, patting the bed.

I knitted my brows but did as he ordered. I closed the door behind myself and made my way to the chair at his bedside. I claimed it as my own and slid into it. All the while I could feel YF/N's fe/c eyes locked on me.

"Okay," I said, slightly trailing my words. "What did they say? What's going on?"

He breathed in a haggard breath and replied, "They...they said there's nothing they can do for me."

My heart dropped at that as my breath hitched. As if learning he had cancer wasn't hard enough, that was the final blow. I felt like I'd crumble right then and there. My whole world was collapsing around me.

"What?" I gasped. "They...they can't do anything? What do you mean they can't do anything? This is a hospital. They deal with all sorts of things every day. They have to do something."

He held his hands up and added, "Whoa. Calm down, Y/N." He dropped his hands into his lap and huffed, "They can't do anything for me here."

I knitted my brows in confusion. "Wait, what? What do you mean?"

"The way they explained it is that they're not equipped with the necessary tools to give me a proper fighting chance to beat this shit here," he answered, crossing his arms over his chest. "They're going to transfer me to a hospital that specializes in cancers -skin cancer to be more exact." He brought his stare to mine and smiled, "And, the best part is it'll be close to where you are."

I was already baffled, but that confused me even more. What was he going on about? How were we going to be closer? Did he mean geographically or as father and daughter? I didn't know, but he seemed...hopeful.

"Dad, what are you talking about?" I pressed.

"The hospital I'm being transferred to is in Trost," he replied. "They have a whole building completely dedicated to cancer treatment and research there." He shrugged, "Who knows? Maybe this old coot does have a fighting chance after all."

Glee washed over me at that. Seeing the hope in his eyes...knowing that he believed he stood a all brought a smile to my face. There was a chance. In our world of bleak darkness, there was suddenly a faint light. That spec of light was our hope.

I reached over and patted his shoulder, giggling, "You're only as old as ya feel and by the time this is all over, you'll be feeling young and sprite again."

He collapsed his hand over mine and gave it a slight squeeze. "We'll find out soon. They'll be transferring me in one week."

One week. One week before we embarked for battle.

**Ello all my wonderful lovelies. This chapter hopefully made y'all feel hopeful. There's a fighting chance for YF/N. How does this make y'all feel? Let me know! Thank you so much for everything! You guys are awesome sauce! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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