Chapter 32: Honeyed Dew

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The Ball was just as I expected. Rich sorority girls and fraternity boys from various houses all flocked to an overly decorated SOA House adorned with extravagant decorations as caters dressed in black and white uniforms walked around with trays filled with expensive foods and drinks. Everyone was dressed in their best; ladies in gowns while the fellows sported their suits and tuxes. In short -not my scene.

I just stood there, occasionally taking a sip of my champagne as Kellen conversed with some guys I didn't recognize. They were all happily chatting about something, but I paid them no real mind as I glimpsed around. Sure enough, it was no typical college party. It was far too tamed and formal for that. The smell of champagne and sophistication lingered in the atmosphere, making me feel like I belonged even less.

The people around me all came from wealthy backgrounds. They were the products of careful breeding between elites. The sons and daughters of doctors, lawyers, models, businessmen and women, producers, and so much more. They were blue bloods. Not me, though. I came from a humble background. Neither of my parents were rich. Not that I came up dirt poor, but I came up in no way like my peers. While they had private school privilege, I was given public education. In their world, I was a stranger.

"Y/N?" a familiar voice called, pulling me from my trance.

I glimpsed to my side, seeing both Eren and Connie approach me. They were both dressed for the occasion with their black suits and neatly polished shoes. Eren's hair was styled back, showing off his forehead while Connie had a flower tucked in the pocket of his jacket. Both looked spiffy and rather dashing.

"Oh, hey guys," I smiled, turning to them. "I didn't realize you two would be here."

"We should be saying the same for you," Eren laughed.

"Yeah," Connie agreed. "We have to be here to officially complete our pledging, but what are you doing here?"

I twiddled my glass in my hand before shrugging, "Kellen is getting an award, so I thought I'd come to support him."

Both boys' faces contorted into expressions I didn't know how to read. They almost looked disgusted. Maybe it was because what I said was too...lovey? What I was doing was what girlfriends did for their boyfriends. Right? So, why were both Eren and Connie sporting those expressions? It didn't make any sense to me.

"What?" I asked with a slight laugh. "Too gross or something?"

They exchanged glances before Eren stepped forward and whispered, "Haven't you heard the rumors about him yet?"

I knitted my brows in confusion. "What rumors?"

He was about to answer when a voice rang through the atmosphere, silencing the crowd. "Hello? Hello? Is this thing on?"

Silence began to blanket the crowd as all eyes averted to the area where the speaker was. A roughly middle-aged man dressed in a black tux stood on a makeshift stage, fiddling with the mic. He had blond locks that he had greased back and a masculine countenance that was ripe with age. That said, he was by no means unattractive. He was extremely handsome and looked to be aging like a fine wine.

"Hello everyone!" he smiled. "My name is Gregory Lindell and I am very honored to be here at the fiftieth annual Spring Ball." The room erupted into warm cheers before Gregory continued, "Alright, alright. Now, let's address the elephant in the room. I understand what happened over the winter with Professor Wells has left the student body on edge, but I say tonight we put that aside and enjoy ourselves as we celebrate all those who will be recognized for their outstanding work both in their Houses and in the community. What do you say about that?"

The crowd once again reverberated the sound of claps and cheers as the speaker just smiled at them. As he scanned us, I scanned him. He really was incredibly handsome, but I couldn't help but think he looked like someone. I tried repeatedly to figure it out, but I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"Okay. With no further ado, the SOA President, Miss Alexandra Pierce and ADA President, Mr. Jean Kirstein," he announced, stepping aside.

My eyes widened at that. Jean and Alexandra stepped forward, Alexandra wearing that same dress she bought at the shop that day. I saw so much cleavage that I couldn't quite figure out how there wasn't a nip slip. Then again, there were always wardrobe hacks that girls were notorious for. Perhaps she used one...or two...or three. I saw a lot of skin. However, my eyes lingered on her briefly before drifting to the man next to her.

Jean was also dressed to impress, though what he wore stood out against the tide of black and white and gray suits. He was clothed by a black and gray plaid suit that made his shoulders look even broader than they already were as a black dress shirt covered his torso. His spiky textured hair was styled back, showing that beautiful forehead. In all, he looked amazing. I couldn't help but internally gawk at how amazing he appeared.

That was until Alexandra's voice pulled me to reality.

"Hello to everyone from the pledges to the alumni to the guests," she beamed. "Welcome to this year's annual Spring Ball hosted by both the SOA and ADA Houses. We are so honored to be joined by all the Houses of MRU. TTA House, DTA House, ODA House, DOA House, and BOD House. Thank you all so much for joining us." The crowd clapped and she continued, "Tonight we will be recognizing pledges that went above and beyond in their duties along with admitting some alumni into the Hall of Fame for their honorable work in their fields and everything in between. So, eat, drink, and enjoy yourselves as we enjoy the fiftieth celebration of the Spring Ball."

Another rumble of cheers rolled through the atmosphere before soft chatters began to replace the silence. However, despite the sea of people surrounding me, my gaze trained on one person and one person only.

Jean stood tall, Marco dashingly dressed being by him, his fiery orbs scanning the crowd, his handsome features almost hitching my breath. He looked so amazing. Then again, he always did. He always looked like he was ready to break out into model mode. Still, I enjoyed basking in his beauty. If I could, I would stare at him for as long as he'd let me.

I was in the midst of thinking about how stunning he appeared when his eyes abruptly glanced at me, our gazes locking instantaneously. The moment our gapes met, my breath lodged itself in my throat, almost choking me. I became pinned to where I stood, my mind blocking out everyone else in the space. There was no mistaking it. He was looking at me. He was making direct eye contact with me. But, just as I thought my heart couldn't beat my ribs any harder, he flashed me a sweet smile that made my face flush red. It was almost as if he was letting me know he saw me.

However, as quickly as our gazes met, Alexandra added, "Okay! And now a word from our wonderful ADA President, Jean Kirstein."

At that, he broke our eye contact and went over to the mic, taking it from Alexandra. He began to talk, but it was not his words that held my interest. No. What held my fascination was those warm eyes.

There was a sense of contentment in them.

**Ello my sweet lovelies! Now we're at the Ball and it's just getting started. This should be interesting, huh? Are y'all ready? Hope so! Thank you so, so, SOOOOOO much for everything! Y'all are absolutely incredible! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

P.S. Cut off for questions for the Fun Facts section is Monday, April 1, 2019.

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