Chapter 7: Ball

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MRU was all the media talked about. Well, Professor Wells was all the media could gossip about, though it wasn't much gossip. Not if what they were reporting was true. Henry Wells, ADA alumnus and representative, assistant dean of Maria Rose University...and the man responsible for four attacks on SOA girls -two resulting in deaths, one causing hospitalization, and the last being unsuccessful. Or, as the media was now calling him, the SOA Killer.

So original, but then again, what serial killer received those? However, I doubted Professor Wells counted as a serial killer. Sure, he was responsible for two deaths, but the second girl he had attacked after Marianne was still alive. Though, I was hearing little to no information about her. I only knew her name by that point; Bridgette. Bridgette Cane. Besides that, I knew nothing about her.

Still, regardless of the number of his victims, Professor Wells had brought MRU under water. Erwin Smith, the dean of students was having to show his face to apologize to everyone from the students to their parents to the staff to the public for Wells' transgressions. The sad part was that every time I saw him on TV, the more embarrassment I saw in his eyes. He had been humiliated by Wells' actions and why wouldn't he? He had trusted Wells wholeheartedly and he had been betrayed. All of MRU had been betrayed.

Still, despite that betrayal, there was a certain lightness in the atmosphere. It was as if we could all breathe knowing that he had finally been captured. Women could finally not fear passing every man on the streets because before we never knew who or where he was. It was all so relieving. The burden had been lifted.

But, as I sat there, my fingers intertwined with Kellen's, listening to him laugh and joke with his friends, it was not Professor Wells or the dean consuming my thoughts. Instead, it was someone else. It was someone that did not belong in those spaces of my mind.

Jean Kirstein.

I couldn't tell you why I was so surprised. It was nothing new. It was as if he was always there. That was an understatement. He was always there. I couldn't do anything without thinking about him. I couldn't eat, drink, or sleep without thinking about him because I always felt there was something I wanted to tell him. Hell, I couldn't even enjoy a day out with my boyfriend without thoughts of him crossing my mind.

Horrible. It made me feel terrible. No one had any idea that it was Jean I thought about. No one knew it was him I wished would have climbed into my bed that night. No one had any idea. Not Kellen. Not Eren. Not Marco. Not Alexandra. And certainly not Jean. No one knew. It was my secret to bear and my secret alone.

"So, Kelly," one of Kellen's friends smirked, glancing at my boyfriend. "Are ya gonna be attending this year's Ball?"

Kellen shrugged, "I don't know yet. What about you?"

His friend nodded, "Yeah. I'm taking Sandy." He perked up, motioning at me. "Ya know, you should come, and you should bring your girl."

It was my turn to perk up.

I glanced over at Kellen, confused as to what Ball he was talking about. I was clueless and needed an explanation. He took note of my quizzical expression and gave me the answer I needed.

"The Ball is an annual event held by both the ADA and SOA Houses after the spring finals," he informed me. "It's where we formally acknowledge new members, give awards to recognize achievements, and mingle with other Houses."

"It's also where we get shit faced, too," his friend added, chuckling.

Kellen rolled his eyes. "Ignore him. That doesn't happen."

"Until after all the boring shit," his compadre snickered.

Without glancing at his buddy, Kellen playfully pushed him and smiled, "Don't listen to Dylan. Yes, things can get out of hand, but that usually doesn't happen until after all the more formal activities and even then it's nothing too crazy."

I had never heard of the Ball. I didn't even know that was still a term used. Honestly, it sounded like it was either going to be boring or too intense. I wasn't quite sure which. Either way, I was hoping Kellen wouldn't want to go. He didn't seem pressed about it either way, but that was when Dylan continued.

"Oh, wait. Aren't you getting some award or something?" Dylan asked, glancing at my boyfriend.

Kellen tore his stare from mine and met Dylan's, replying, "I think so. But it's not required that I show up to receive it. Jean or someone could accept it in my absence."

There it was again. That name. His name. Even when I was fighting my best to shove him out of my mind, he still managed to worm his way back in. It was as if I couldn't escape from him. No matter what turn or move I made, he was there. But he was always there.

"Dude, don't you think that'd be kinda shitty?" Dylan pressed, lifting a brow. "I mean, this ain't no little award. Member of the House is a big title."

Kellen rolled his eyes once more as he huffed, "Trust me, I doubt I was selected without conflict. I'm sure Jean fought tooth and nail to convince the alumni not to choose me."

I balled my free hand into a fist. So, there really is beef between Kellen and Jean...but why? I snuck a settled peek up at my boyfriend. Even though his tone sported agitation, his features remained relaxed. He wasn't presenting any aggression at the mention of Jean, but I could certainly tell he wasn't fond of the guy. I just wished I understood the reasoning.

"I'll tell ya what, I'll go, but I'm dipping out as soon as I get my award. Are ya happy with that?" Kellen sighed.

"Yeah," Dylan nodded. He quickly glimpsed at me then back at Kellen. "Hey. Maybe you should ask a certain lady if she wants to come and support her man."

Kellen threw his head back and groaned in annoyance, "Dude, she's not going to want to be there. It'll bore the hell out of her."

"Maybe you should ask her and let her be the judge of that," Dylan chuckled.

I glanced between the two, watching as Kellen breathed in a hardy breath. He slowly turned his head to where he faced me. His deep ocean gaze was so warm and inviting, appearing like pools that shimmered in the sun. I knew I was supposed to feel some kind of way by meeting them, but the truth was far from that. I still didn't feel anything. Even after hearing him say 'I love you' to me...I still felt nothing and that made me feel guilty. Was I supposed to feel something? Was I supposed to get butterflies whenever I looked at him? And if that was the case, then why wasn't I?

"Well?" he smirked. "What do you say? Would you like to accompany as my date to the Ball, m'lady?"

I didn't want to. I had no desire to attend anymore events involving the Houses, but I couldn't bring myself to say that. His eyes were so hopeful and optimistic. How could I destroy that? I already failed at returning those three words. The least I could do was say yes.

So, I did.


And I regretted it right away.

**Bello my wonderfully sweet lovelies. So, a lot going on. Assistant Dean -Professor Wells- is arrested, YF/N has cancer, and now there is some Ball. Don't ya just love what gets tossed at ya? This is just a fanfic. Imagine what I put my OCs through in my original books lol. Anyway, thank you so much or everything! Y'all are my favorite humans! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

P.S. So, for me it's not showing the video above, but it still plays the song. Jhameel "Knock it Down".

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