Chapter 26: Smile

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"I'd hope she is. She's pregnant," he chuckled, bringing those cognac orbs to me as his lips pulled up into a gentle smile.

I just stared at him as the shock dashed through me. Honestly, that was not the response I expected. It was such an abrupt reply that I thought he was joking until I realized he wasn't. The expression on his face told me he was being very serious.

"Pregnant?" I repeated, lifting my brows. "How can you tell?"

He laughed, "Really? Haven't you ever seen a pregnant deer before?"

"Um, no," I answered with the hint of a giggle in my voice. "You have?"

"Yeah, a couple," he nodded. "And by the looks of our girl here, I'd say we can expect to see a baby any day, really."

I brought my gaze back to Nala. I was mind blown. The last time I had seen her she didn't appear pregnant. Then again, the last time I had seen her it had been pitch-black. I was even lucky I could see what little of her I could that night. Still, Nala...she was going to be a mom. That was incredible. There was going to be a little baby Nala soon. It couldn't get much more magical than that.

"Well, congratulations, Nala," I smiled, still running my fingers along her neck. "I'm sure you'll be a great mommy." I then turned back to Jean and joked, "Looks like you're going to be a grandpa."

He shot me a smirk and chuckled, "I guess in a way you're not wrong." He paused briefly, scanning both Nala and me before continuing, "Y/N, listen, I really am sorry about Alexandra. What she pulled is unacceptable."

I looked up at him, meeting those warm earthy eyes of his. It was funny. I had seen his stare so many times, but at that moment, I saw more than just the beauty of them. I saw the raw emotions he was feeling floating at the surface of them. All the frustration he held for Alexandra...all the peace he felt photographing Nala...all the kindness that dwelled in his heart...and pain. It hurt me to see that twinge in his eyes, but I didn't know how to fix it or what to do. Well, that wasn't entirely true. I did know. I knew exactly how to ease that burden, but I didn't do that.

I couldn't do that.

"Don't worry about it. It's not your fault," I tried to smile. "It's not like you told her to act that way."

"Maybe, but still," he huffed. "I feel like it's my fault."

"It's not," I assured him. "Don't beat yourself up for something that's outta your control."

He scanned me quickly before flashing me a halfhearted smile, "Feels so weird to hear the ice girl say all that."

I laugh, "Shut up. It'll be a while before you see me wiping out on ice again."

"And when that happens, I'll be there to catch you," he chuckled.

I could feel my face redden at that statement as a tint of blush dusted across my cheeks. Jean observed me, his words sinking in as he realized what he said. An equally scarlet tint brushed over his features as he dropped his eyes to his feet, his fingers fidgeting with his camera.

"Like usual," he added quickly. "I'll be there to catch you like usual, I mean. You know...because it felt like I almost always did. By chance."

"Oh, y-yeah," I agreed, also glimpsing away. "Yeah. I get what you're saying."

Silence lingered between us, nothing but the warm breeze rattling the leaves overhead. We stood in our stances, keeping our eyes apart as we tried to cool off. The quietness blanketed us, but that did nothing to silence my pulse which drummed in my ears. I still couldn't believe it. I hadn't expected that response...but, then again, he did correct himself. So why was I still acting like that? Why was I avoiding eye contact like some little kid? I didn't know, but I needed to stop.

"S-so," I stammered in hopes of breaking the awkward silence between us. "Photography, eh? Are you majoring in that?"

"Oh, uh, no," he answered, his own voice shaky. "It's just a hobby of mine. I'm actually majoring in veterinary medicine."

I perked up at that and glanced at him. "You want to be a vet?"

He glimpsed down at me and nodded, "Yes. Is that hard to believe?"

Looking at him...seeing the gentleness in his eyes...having felt that same gentleness in his hands...hearing it in his voice. I could honestly look at him and believe that. I could see him wearing that white vet's coat and those scrubs. I could see him making pet owners feel comfortable in times of stress. I could see it all.

I shook my head and smiled, "No. I...I actually think that suits you. I think you'll make a great veterinarian."

He scanned me before grinning, "Thanks. You know, you haven't said what you're majoring in."

"Oh, well...that's because I'm not sure yet," I sighed. "I thought about maybe studying education with a focus on art, but I don't know."

"What's wrong with that?" he pressed, knitting his brows in curiosity. "You have the skill and talent for it. There's no denying that. What's holding you back?"

That was an excellent question. What was holding me back? I had already broken my mother's expectations to be a measly housewife who was only meant to reproduce. After all, I was there. I was at MRU instead of H/P. I was furthering my education. So, what was stopping me? Was it because my mother's expectations still haunted me or was it something else?

"Honestly, I don't know," I answered. "I guess I don't know if I have what it takes to work with kids. I mean, I just don't know."

"Are you not the best with kids?" he pressed.

I shrugged, "I don't know. I never know how to handle them or what to do. And I'm not the most patient person in the world." I bit down on my bottom lip. "Guess I'm afraid I'd end up snapping at a kid."

I could feel his eyes observe me before he sighed, "I think you're not giving yourself enough credit." I listened as he fiddled with his camera. "If you're worried about that, maybe being an art teacher isn't for you, but that doesn't mean you should completely neglect that talent of yours. Have you considered anything else?"

I shook my head. "No. I thought I'd have it all figured out by now, but I still got nothin'."

"Don't stress about it," he smiled. "I'm sure it'll come to you when the time is right. It's not the end of the world if you don't have your life planned out right now. You have time."

Genuine. Sincere. Gentle.

The only words I could think of to describe him. In the soft glow of the evening hues, I saw it all. Those eyes that I always thought were fierce morphed into honeyed puddles that glistened in the haze, the sweet smile on his lips meeting them. And I felt so safe and at ease with him. I felt so comfortable. There was nothing unnatural in the way he spoke to me. There were only safety and at home.

He lifted his camera up and asked with a smile, "Can I take another picture?"

Confidently, I answered, "Yes. Yes, you can."

**Bello my sweet lovelies! So, this chapter came off as very sweet in my head. I just thought it was such a cute moment between Y/N and Jean. Plus, I listened to this song ("Wherever You Are" by ONE OK ROCK) a majority of the time I typed this. Y'all know I'm obsessed with these men and their music, so I had to include this. But, whatcha y'all think? Feel free to let me know! Thank you so much for everything! Y'all are the bee's knees! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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