Chapter 15: Dress

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"Oh my God," one of Alexandra's friends gushed. "Lex, this dress would look amazing on you."

She rushed over to a brilliant red dress that was hung up on a hanger. It was long and appeared formfitting with a slit that went high up to the thigh. It had a deep neckline that plunged down, most likely revealing a ton of cleavage. More than I would have been comfortable showing. Glimmering jewels shimmered in the light, tying the entire dress together.

"Could you imagine the look on Jean's face if he saw you in this?" her friend continued, still beaming. "I bet his hands would be all over you all night at the Ball."

"Please, as if Jean needs a reason to have his hands all over me," Alexandra chuckled, walking over to her friend and the dress. She took ahold of the dress and examined it, smirking, "But it would be fun to see his reaction to me in this." She scanned it quickly and chirped, "Okay. I'll get it."

"I can't wait to see his expression," her friend beamed.

The two girls began to shuffle along, the dress in tow. I unwillingly followed them, not really wanting to be there. The only reason I had even bothered with going was for Kellen. He seemed to think I would have benefitted going with other girls who were attending the Ball as well. I wouldn't have minded it had I gone with anyone else but Alexandra. Of all the girls I could shop with, why her?

I just trudged along behind them, watching as they both gushed and cooed at the different dresses, shoes, and jewelry displayed all over the store. Honestly, everything was absolutely gorgeous, but way out of my price range and I knew it. I was in a store meant for the wealthy with two girls who were perfectly content spending their daddys' money, but I had no such luxury.

"Oh, look at this, Sandy," Alexandra smiled. "These shoes would totally make Dylan's neck snap for you and only you."

Alexandra's friend went over to her and giggled, "They're sexy as hell, but Dylan would never pay attention to my feet."

Alexandra held the shoes to her chest and smirked, "Well, duh. But imagine what they'll do for your ass." She wiggled her brows playfully. "Betcha he'll have his hands all over you."

Sandy stood there, her blue stare scanning the silver stilettoes in Alexandra's hands before nodding, "Ya know what? I'll get 'em. So what if I only wear them once? The money will be worth Dylan's reaction."

I found that hard to swallow. I mean, who blew that kind of cash just for one reaction? Who actually spent almost $100.00 for just one expression? Though, that was a silly question. Of course, rich people did that. To them, a mere hundred bucks was nothing but child's play. However, to someone like me, that was way too much to spend on any pair of shoes, let alone a pair I'd only ever wear once. Still, it was their business, not mine.

"Do you need any shoes?" Sandy asked, her question not being directed to me.

Alexandra shook her head, replying, "No. My mom bought me these gorgeous crystal pumps when she visited my aunt in New York. So, I'm gonna wear those."

"Oh, fancy," Sandy sang.

The two giggled and I just stood there, feeling more and more uncomfortable with each passing second. All I wanted was to go back to my dorm and just relax. I never signed up for any of what was going on, but if it appeased Kellen, then so be it.

"I almost forgot," Alexandra said, turning to me. "Y/N, you're looking for a dress too, aren't you?"

Sandy brought her cold stare to me, leaving both girls to stare at me. I felt so small in front of them. Everything about the atmosphere made me feel so insignificant compared to the two stunning girls before me. Alexandra appeared as her usual model self; her honey locks were pulled into an innocent braid that fell off her shoulder. She was wearing a short blue baby doll dress that showed off her slim legs and toned arms, though it did not enhance her curves. Her skin was beginning to gain a more bronzed shade. Whether that was from the sun or spray tans I couldn't deduce, but that didn't matter. Sandy was also alluring in her beauty. She stood at almost the same height as Alexandra, her thick red strands cascading down the sides of her face, falling to her back. She was wearing a bright red spaghetti strap and jean shorts far too short for my own comfort, both articles clinging to her small curves. Her skin was fair with freckles sprinkled over her face and shoulders as a pair of thick-framed glasses sat on her nose. Both were gorgeous in their own given rights and both made me feel so, so, so small.

I swallowed, "Yeah. Well, kinda. I'm not sure if I'll buy one, but it doesn't hurt to look around."

"Nonsense!" Alexandra smiled, wrapping one of her arms around me. "Come on! You gotta get something! After all, you should wow Kellen."

She began to guide me, leading me to a rack filled with dresses of vast styles and colors. Both Sandy and Alexandra showed me the many different dresses and I smiled at each, but none were my style. Most were too revealing or too vibrant in color. None had the wow factors that struck me. That went on for approximately ten minutes with the two never growing bored. They seemed to love the whole dress shopping thing, but I was bored and anxious. I just wanted to go back to my dorm.

At some point the two girls drifted to yet another rack, dragging me with them. They were gushing over its content while I just rolled my eyes. My gaze began to drift, scanning the store's interior when I saw it.

It was a stunning gown made of brilliantly white material that flowed like a waterfall to the floor with a sweetheart neckline that revealed a tasteful amount of cleavage. Aside from the thin straps being made of fabric adorned with jewels and beads and the bust having ruching, the material was rather plain and unblemished by extravagant colors or over the top gems. Even the jewels were gentle crystals that glistened in the light and not popping rubies. It wasn't formfitting -minus the bust- yet still flattering as the material wasn't wildly outrageous. It was absolutely gorgeous and definitely right up my alley.

Alexandra must have noticed my gawking because she smiled, "Oh, you like that one?" She walked over to it and glided her fingers down the fabric. "It is very pretty, isn't it?"

I nodded, "Yes. Very." I followed over to it and ran my fingers along it, feeling how smooth it was. I caught glimpse of the price tag and glanced at it, my heart falling as I added, "It's gorgeous, but not that gorgeous."

"What do you mean?" Alexandra chuckled. She reached over and gently took the tag from me, shrugging, "Is that it? Really? That's what is stopping you? Please." She dropped the tag, resting her free hand on her hip. "If you want it, I'll get it for you."

I perked up and waved my hands dismissively. "Oh, no, no, no. I couldn't ask that of you."

She rolled her eyes and giggled, "It's nothing. Tell me your size and we can go get it."

As much as I loved the dress, I couldn't do that. I couldn't ask her to get me that dress, not for that price. Not for almost $400.00. I'd only ever wear it once and I had just stood there and judged Sandy for getting shoes for one occasion. I couldn't be a hypocrite. At least, that was what I told myself.

"Really," I laughed nervously, "I can't ask that of you. That's way too much."

"Y/N," Alexandra smiled. "Don't worry about it. That is nothing. If it makes you feel better, consider it as a gift."

I knitted my brows in confusion. "A gift? A gift for what?"

Her smile morphed into a cunning one that made my heart drop. She leaned in, whispering in my ear, "A gift for leaving Jean alone."

My throat went dry at that. I couldn't explain it, but something came over me. A mixture of emotions consumed me -anger, annoyance, sorrow, frustration, and more. She was doing that on purpose. She was reminding me of her request; reminding me that he was her property. He was not mine. That was what she was doing, but I refused to give her a reaction. However, I did do one thing.

I met her eyes directly and smiled, "X (whatever your dress size is). My dress size is X."

**Ello my wonderful lovelies! Yay! Another chapter! So, were y'all surprised to see Y/N end up accepting Alexandra's offer on purchasing the dress for her? Would you do the same? Feel free to let me know! Thank you so much for everything! Y'all are da bestest! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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