Chapter 23: Too

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"I meant to tell you that I saw your text," YF/N smiled. "I'm proud of you. You did great!"

I chuckled, "Even though I got a C in my math class?"

He shrugged, "Math was never your best subject and I know you tried your best, so yes. I'm still proud of ya."

"Thanks, pops," I smiled.

I claimed the chair next to his bed and situated myself, all the while I could feel my father's eyes linger on me. I knew what he was doing; examining me. Can't say I was surprised. I most likely looked like total shit due to not getting a lick of sleep the previous night.

Not much new there. Seemed like sleep was becoming somewhat of scarcity those days. It was as if my mind didn't know how to shut up long enough to let me drift off at night. It was constantly racing with those harrowing fears. Even though I put up a strong front for YF/N's sake, I was still worried. I was constantly worried. I was terrified that I'd show up one day and he wouldn't be there. It was thoughts like that which kept me up at night.

Then there was the whole Ball thing. I tried to act excited and thrilled, but that couldn't be further from the truth. I was dreading that damn Ball and it was drawing closer with each passing day. In fact, I only had two days remaining before I had to attend that stupid thing. My constant reminder was that dress that hung where I could see it.

Stunning. Immaculate. Elegant. All the things I wasn't, it was. Beautiful white material that flowed like the gowns angels wore in paintings. Showing just enough skin to tease others with its tasteful dip. It was a masterpiece and something I pictured alluring empresses and goddesses to wear and yet I owned it. Me. The plain Jane from H/P.

If it wasn't for the fact, I was wearing it to that Ball I would've been elated, but that wasn't the case. That was its sole purpose; to be my evening wear for that dreaded event. Yay me.

"So, that Kellen," YF/N began, bringing those fe/c orbs to me.

I knitted my brows together. "What about him?"

He shrugged, "I didn't say anything yet."

"You're about to," I said, taking a sip of my drink. "So, what is it? What's your critique?"

YF/N took a moment, most likely gathering his thoughts. To be honest, I didn't know what he was going to say. Was he going to praise Kellen? Nitpick him? I couldn't tell. It was hard to say.

"I think he's a real fine guy," he finally replied.

I lifted a brow, pressing, "But?"

"Who said there's a but?" he questioned.

"Dad," I chuckled.

He held his hands up defensively and defended, "Okay, okay. There is a but." He took in a deep breath and brought his eyes directly to mine. "Sweetheart, what are you doing with a guy like that?"

That took me by surprise. I hadn't expected that sort of response. I mean, not with the way he worded it. What did he even mean by that? With a guy like that? Like what? A pleasant and polite man who had his life perfectly planned out in front of him? What was wrong with that? I didn't understand what he was asking.

"What do you mean?" I questioned, knitting my brows in curiosity.

He breathed in a hardy breath and sighed, "Don't get me wrong, he seems like a nice guy, it's do I word this?" He cuffs his hand on his chin. "It's just that you seemed distant with him."

"Distant?" I repeated.

"Yeah," he nodded. "It could all just be in my head, but when I saw you with him you looked like you were...uncomfortable."

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