Chapter 11: A Father's Words

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"So, how's the treatment going?" I asked, taking a seat in the chair next to my dad's bed before taking a sip of my steaming beverage.

He breathed in a hardy breath and sighed, "Well, just got my first chemo treatment today. Can't say it was fun, but it is what it is." He ran his fingers through his fh/c (your father's hair color) hair, joking, "Looks like I won't have these luscious locks too much longer."

I observed my father, taking in how he chuckled. He was flashing a cheesy grin, his sheets wrinkling with each shift of his body. His paper gown clothed him, his build still being what I had remembered. Strong. Sturdy. Durable. The body of a man who stood against all the elements. YF/N had always appeared like such an indestructible man to me...but at that moment, I saw what he was trying to hide. He was scared. More so, he was terrified. And I didn't blame him.

I smiled softly, "Eh, once you're all healthy and cancer-free, it'll grow back."

He glanced up at me, his warm fe/c eyes still sporting a tad of that fear, though he still flashed his own smile. "You're right. It will. It's just going to be weird during the time it's gone. Ya know?"

"Yeah, I can see that," I agreed. I paused briefly before adding, "Dad, don't worry. I know you'll pull through this. I know you'll be just fine. You're a tough cookie and it'll take more than this to knock you outta the game."

He perked up at that and blinked. "Whoa. Where did that come from, sweetie?"

I tightened my grip on my Styrofoam cup and shrugged, "I don't know. I just wanted to remind you that you're tougher than this."

He scanned me for a few moments, his gaze observing me. It was strange that I was acting that way, regardless of the circumstances. It was unlike me. To be saying things like that to my be comforting be the strong one...that was foreign to me. That was not the type of girl I was. And I was certain YF/N noticed that.

"Thanks, sweetheart," he smiled. "But you don't need to worry about me." He motioned at himself with his thumb. "Besides, you're right; it's gonna take more than this to take me out."

I could still see the fear in his eyes, but I knew he meant it. I knew he was serious when he declared he'd beat that. I took his word as a promise -a promise that he'd be there regardless of all the trials and turbulences that awaited.

"That's the spirit," I nodded, flashing him a soft smile.

He scanned me quickly before sighing, "Okay, what is it? What has you in a gloom?"

"Gloom? What gloom?" I asked, dropping my stare as I took another sip of my drink.

"Come on," he pressed, crossing his arms over his chest. "What's up? Spit it out."

I kept my stare averted, not wanting to meet his gape. I honestly didn't want YF/N to see what was going through my mind. I didn't want him to see how my thoughts swirled through my brain at warp speed. Nor did I feel like discussing the content of those thoughts. I mean, how could I? I couldn't tell my own dad that I was sulking about not being able to talk a guy who was not my boyfriend.

Jean. I thought, swallowing. It still stung knowing that Alexandra had made her wishes clear. Well, it stung that she preferred Jean and me to no longer talk. That was what stung like hell -not being able to talk to him anymore. I already missed speaking with him. I already missed seeing his stupid face...I missed every stupid part of him and I couldn't figure out why. However, regardless of that, I couldn't say anything. Not to YF/N...not to Kellen...not to anyone.

"Y/N," YF/N said sharply. "Come on, talk. What's wrong?"

I shrugged, "Nothing. Just stressing about finals is all."

"Finals? Oh, that's right! It's almost the end of your second semester," he beamed. "To believe, my little girl is almost done with her first year of college."

I rolled my eyes. "Dad, I told you, I'm not little anymore." I slouched down, supporting the weight of my head in my palm, adding, "Besides, I'm not even sure if I'm prepared for all this. This semester was tough."

YF/N scanned me, his fe/c orbs observing me. I was hoping my explanation was enough to cover the truth. I really and truly did not want to discuss what really occupied the deepest corners of my mind.

He smiled, "Listen, I'm sure you'll do just fine. You got this in the bag."

"Thanks," I grinned.

"No problem," he beamed. He fidgeted with his blanket before swallowing, "How are you and your boyfriend doing? What's his name? Kyle? Kalvin? Kevin?"

"Kellen," I corrected, giggling. "We're fine. He's...he's actually taking me to his fraternity's ball after finals. Should be fun."

YF/N lifted a brow. "A ball? They do that? What century is this?"

I playfully pushed his shoulder and laughed, "Oh, knock it off. I think it's cute."

I claimed that I found the whole ball thing cute, but in the end, it was out of my comfort zone. I wasn't the dressy and flashy kind of girl that went to those kinds of things. I was a ripped jeans and hoodie kind of girl. Formal wear and evening makeup weren't how I rolled. Well, it wasn't how I rolled the majority of the time. Still, I faked that smile and acted excited about the fast-approaching doom that awaited me.

"Well, if you say so," he snorted. "As long as this Kellen boy treats you right, then that's all that matters."

"He treats me perfectly," I smiled.

"He better," YF/N sighed. "Because I'd hate to kick his ass if he didn't."

**Ello my sweet lovelies. Sweet little moment between father and daughter, eh? Honestly, I've never had this kinda chat with my dad, so it was weird to type this. Still, I thought it was cute. I hope you guys thought so too. As always, thank you so much for everything. You guys are incredible! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

P.S. "Dejavu" by Nu'est W

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