Up In Flames

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I put on the bloodied whit shirt Calix gave me, the metallic smell paired with his cologne reaching my nose. I could hear him talking on the phone to his men in german.

I quietly got off the bed and walked through the dimly lit hall. The feeling of the cold concrete on my feet caused shivers to run through me. I peaked at Calix from the end of the hall and watched as he picked up the guns, emptying the bullets and putting them into his pocket.

"Calix?" I whispered softly. He didn't hear me and picked up a gun, loading it with the bullets in his pocket. "Calix?" I whispered again, a little louder than the last.

He looked up with a look of alarm, instantly turning into one of sympathy. "They're here."
He took out a gun from his pocket and handed it to me.

"Calix I cant take this, I don't even know how to-" He quickly interrupted me. "I know, but you have to. I can't leave you down here because as soon as they spot me, you're next, and if you go up there they'll be after you gun or not, so you need to at least try. The safety is off so just point and shoot. If you can't do that then pistol whip someone I don't care, I just-"

He looked at me, a cold look enveloping his face. "I just don't want you dead Eleanor." I nodded my head, feeling my heart beat violently in my chest due to the anticipation and fear of going up the stairs.

"Lets go." He walked Past the dead bodies, going up the stairs. I followed closely behind him in anticipation. He placed his hand on the door knob and swung it open.

Immediately we saw more men in suits and Calixs men shooting at them. Calix pulled out his gun, and ran out, shooting with perfect precision.

I on the other hand, was fumbling with the large piece of metal in my hand. All I could do was stand there, watching the bullets fly left and right, and the dead bodies dropping to the floor.

I was frozen in fear, watching as it all happened so fast. Suddenly, I felt something touch my hand. I quickly whipped my head around in fear, to see it was Calix. "Babe! Come on! Snap out of it!"

He held on to my hand tight, and started running, dragging me along behind him. I looked around as he pulled me out the door.
Dead bodies, debris, gun smoke. That was all that was left, so why were we running?

We got to the sleek black car, and Calix quickly opened the door, shoving me inside and rapidly getting In next to me. I watched as Otto got in the drivers seat, seconds later Felix got into the passenger seat.

"Go go go!" Calix yelled next to me. Otto started the car, and floored it, causing a screeching noise from the wheels as we sped off. As I analyzed his features, I noticed a patch of blood on his leg that started to spread. "Calix, are you okay? What ha-"

A sudden bright light and loud boom sounded from behind us. I looked behind us to see Vitalys mansion up in flames, with debris flying everywhere.

"Good job you two, did the rest of my men get out safe?" The nodded their head, and in unison let out a "Yes boss."

"Not even one casualty?" Otto shook his head, and checked his rear view mirror. "It seems like everyone's good. No one died, the rest of the men are following behind us back to the mansion, so it looks like the only one injured here is you."

Calix rolled his eyes, letting out a small scoff. "Please, I'll be just fine. It's just a scratch, the bullet didn't even go in."

My eyes widened in horror as I looked at him. "What happened?" He looked at me, and gave me a small smile. "Some bastard shot at me and managed to get me, just a little. It just grazed my skin, it's nothing to get all worried over."

I bit my lip, holding back my tears. I couldn't stop thinking about what just happened. What if he got seriously injured? What if this happened again and he ended up dead?

It was such a prominent possibility and it hurt to think the next time something like this happened, I might not see him again.

I rested my head on his shoulder, relaxing against him. He put his arm around me, pulling me closer. "It's okay. I'm okay, you're okay, we're on our way home. Those guys won't ever bother us again."

I let out a shaky sigh, and nodded my head. "I'm sorry I was so useless, I just got so scared and I didn't know what to do and-"

He wrapped his arms around me, holding me tight. "It's okay, I know. I wouldn't expect anything less."

I felt tears drop out of my eyes, and slide down my cheeks as I cried in his chest. He rubbed my back, soothing my tense nerves.

"You should go to sleep. It's a long ride." I nodded my head and closed my eyes, letting sleep envelop me.

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