A Forever Thing

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"Get up! You were the one who wanted to play in the snow." I looked at him in disbelief as I lay there naked underneath the covers.

"Calix! I literally can't move my legs! You're so rough." I brought my arms up as I analyzed the newly formed bruises shining through my dark complexion, one of the usual signs of calix's intense lust and love.

"What? You don't like it?" I looked away unable to answer his question. "Exactly, so don't complain. Come on let's go!"

I let out an over dramatic sigh as I watched him pull out a beanie and a scarf from the closet, along with a big puffy red jacket. "Alright, Fine. Just leave so I can get dressed."

He turned around and look at me as if I were crazy. "Leave? You act like I haven't seen all of you before, may I remind you of what we were doing 40 minutes ago?"

I sent him a playful glare and threw a pillow at him. He caught it in his hands with ease and threw it back gently, a big smile making its way to his face. "Meet me in the backyard in 10 minutes."

"Okay, I'll be down soon." He turned around, giving me a backwards wave as he left, shutting the door behind him.

I pulled back the covers and got out of bed, immediately feeling sore. I quickly got dressed in a sweater and jeans, and put on the warm accessories calix laid out for me.

I walked downstairs to the backyard, to see Calix standing in the snow, his hands in his pocket. It was dark outside, the only thing lighting up the night was the bright white snow.

He walked up to me and grabbed my hand, leading me through a snow covered trail that was in the back of our yard. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see soon enough." As he held my small hand in his large one, he led me through the trail to a large forest.

As we walked through the trees, we finally made it the a huge lake, nothing but the endless horizon showing past the water.

The light from the stars and the full moon shone on us as we gazed up the beautiful sight of the snow falling on the water. "Do you remember our little road trip here? When right before we got to the house we stopped at that little park and looked at the stars?"

A small smile made its way to my face as I remembered the day. "Yeah, it was right after that big fight we had, and you apologized to me for the very first time."

He smiled and let out a small laugh as he shook his head. "That was the day I realized that I fell in love with you."

I could feel my heart beating as he held my small hand in his. "The day you realized you loved me?" He turned to me, gazing at me with adoring eyes. "Yeah, I fell in love with you at first sight. Before I met you I figured love wasn't real and if it was I sure as hell didn't deserve it, but then you came along with your beautiful brown skin, and your big brown almond eyes.... it pissed me off."

I could feel my heart doing backflips. He almost never spoke about his feelings, but I loved it when he did. It always made me feel closer to him afterwards.

"What pissed you off? Me?" He nodded his head, staring intensely into my eyes. "You made me feel things Id never felt before and i hated it and no matter how hard I tried to push you away, or stop my love for you, I couldn't."

He grabbed my other hand, encasing it tightly with his other free hand. "Listen Eleanor, I know I don't deserve you, or your love. I know that Im jealous, and possessive, and violent, but I can't get you out of my head. When I'm not with you, you're on my mind. When I'm sleeping, I dream about you. You're the only thing in this world that truly matters to me. I know I don't treat you as I should, but you have no idea how much I truly love you."

I could feel my throat burn from the tears I was holding back. "I wanted to get you some roses to show you how much I love you, but unlike roses, the love I have for you won't die but only grow stronger, so I figured to represent that, i wanted to get you something a little more special.

My eyes widened as he got down on one knee, and pulled out a small velvet black box. He opened the box, revealing a 18 karat diamond ring with a pure white gold band. He opened his mouth and said the words I was dying to hear.

"Eleanor, I know I'm not worthy, but... will you marry me?" I felt the tears I was holding back slip down my cheek.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" He slid the ring around my finger and got up. I quickly engulfed him in a tight hug. "Calix, i love you so much. I love you more than anything in this world. You deserve all the love I have for you and more, so please don't think you deserve anything less. You're perfect to me, flaws and all! I can't wait to start a family with you."

He held me tighter in his arms, laying his chin on my head as I snuggled further in his chest. "I love you so much Eleanor, you've made me the happiest man on earth."

"Now lets go back before you freeze to death." I let out a small laugh against his chest, and pulled away, looking up at him. "Yeah lets go hubby."

He let out a small chuckle and wrapped his large hand around mine.

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