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I woke up, alone. The sound of a door opening caught my attention. Calix walked in, wearing a pair of sunglasses, running his fingers through his unkept blonde hair.

"Get up, we need to be on the road." His voice was gruff and flat, I could tell, just from the few words he'd spoken that something was off. He was no longer acting like his usual playful self, he was acting serious and cold towards me.

"Oh okay." I got up, shaking off any residual sleepiness I had. I grabbed my bag, pulled out some clothes, and was headed off to the bathroom when he stopped me.

"Where do you think you're going?" Giving him a look of confusion I said "What do you mean? I'm going to the bathroom to get dressed?"

"You can get dressed here." I let out a laugh, assuming he was joking, but judging by the stone cold look on his face, he was completely serious.

"You're kidding right?" His lips were pressed into a thin line as he stared at me. "Does it look like I'm kidding?" I shook my head furiously.

"No! What is wrong with you?" He let out a frustrated sigh and said "Fine, suit yourself." He walked over to me and grabbed my arm as he began to take off my clothes. I began to squirm as he touched me "Will you stop! Calm down."

His grip on my arm tightened making me cringe in pain. "I'll give you 3 minutes to get ready, if you don't strip and get dressed right now I'll rip your clothes off and get you dressed myself."

My eyes went wide as I stared at him in disbelief. I bit my tongue and nodded my head, letting out a brittle and quiet "Okay." He let go of me and watched me. I quickly took off my pajamas and put on my clothes. I was barely finished getting dressed, when he snatched me by my wrist and pulled me to the car.

"Ow, Calix, why are you being so rough! What is wrong with you today?" He threw me into the car and got into the drivers seat. "Stop bitching, I don't feel like dealing with you today." His voice was calm and unwavering as he enunciated every word.

I gave him a look of disbelief and shock, holding my tongue, not wanting to upset him further.

The car ride was silent as I stared at the window, listening to the music. He pulled into a small diner and found a parking space closest to the entrance.

"Lets go." He got out of the car and slammed the door, walking ahead of me into the small diner. We took our seats in a small red booth, and looked at the menus that were placed on the table.

"Are you okay?" He took a deep breath and rubbed his temples. "Don't worry about me, just pick something from the menu."

I scrunched up my face and gave him a dirty look as he stared at the menu. I watched as the waitress came to our table. She gazed lustfully at Calix, shooting him a flirtatious smile with her red lipstick shining.

"Hello sir, can i get anything started for you?" He shot back the same flirtatious smile, showing his perfect, pearly white teeth.

"Yeah beautiful, can you get me a coffee with a Denver omelette."

"Of course!" She blushed and wrote his order down, turning to me after with a bored and disinterested look on her face. "And You?"

"Can I get some Belgian waffles and a coffee?" She jotted down my order and looked up once again. "Anything else?"

"No darling that's all." He subtly bit his lip and flashed her a cheeky smile."You let me know if you need anything, anything at all. I'll be back with your orders." She gave him a wink and left to get our orders.

I balled my fists underneath the table, shooting him daggers as he watched her walk away.

Maybe I can take this chance to run away.
I could say I'm going to the bathroom and just escape? Well you never know if you don't try. "Hey Calix, can I go to the bathroom?" For the first time today, his emotionless eyes turned to ones of amusement. "Yeah, lets go."

"What do you mean lets go?" He arched and eyebrow and responded. "What? Do you think I'm an idiot? I'm not going to let you escape."

My eyes widened In shock. How did he know? "Eleanor, I didn't get this far by being a fucking idiot, you'd do well to remember that." His voice was low and threatening as he leaned in to speak to me.

The waitress arrived with our food and drinks. "Here handsome, I asked the chef to give you extra eggs."

He grabbed the plate from her hands, intentionally brushing her hands as he took it. "Thank you sweetheart" he flashed her a charming smile. "Y-You're welcome!" She gave me what I ordered, took our menus, and left.

I picked up my fork and began picking at my waffle. We sat there silently eating our food as the noise from other customers filled our space.

I watched as he put the eggs in his mouth, focusing on his pink lips. "Is there a reason you're staring at me?"

I shook my head slowly and went back to my meal

He paid for the meal and left a hundred dollar bill as a tip. I rolled my eyes "Really? 100?" He turned to me with a questioning look.

"Do you have a problem with that?" I shook my head in disbelief and walked to the car, only to be snatched back by my wrist and turned around. "You don't get to ignore me."

I snatched my hand back and walked to the car, waiting for him to unlock the door. As soon as he did i got in and slammed my door shut.

He opened my door abruptly and yanked me out, slamming me against the car. "Where the Fuck do you get off acting like that?" He snarled.

"Screw you! Where do you get off treating me like you have been this entire day! And then you have the nerve to flirt with the waitress!"

"And why do you give a fuck about who I flirt with!" With that all of my confidence melted away and I got quiet.

"Because, yo-" he quickly cut me off. "Because what Eleanor! Because I kissed you? Because I called you pretty? Grow up." I cringed at his words, deciding not to respond. When he put it that was it seemed so childish and corny, but it wasn't for me.

"Do you know how many girls I've been with? Don't feel so special, especially with the position you're in."

He got in the car, gripping the steering wheel so hard, his knuckles turned white. I got in silently and closed my door. He sped off before I could even put on my seatbelt.

I turned to the side and stared out the window. I unclenched my jaw and tried to inhale deeply. Fuck

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