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Tears ran down my cheeks as I sobbed alone in the basement. I looked up to see Otto coming down the stairs, staring at me with a hard expression. I looked away, as he eyed me down.

I couldn't look in his eyes, I was too ashamed. "Oh Eleanor... why did you have to upset the boss? You know how he gets when he's upset."

He was right. I knew very well how he got when he was upset. Instead of getting sad, he liked to get mad. When he got mad, he got violent. That's why I was so surprised to see him leave.

"Now i have to rough you up. It's nothing personal sweetheart, it's my job." I took a deep breath and prepared myself for the worst. "Before you do, why isn't Calix doing it himself?"

I didn't mind that I was going to get beat to a pulp, I didn't mind at all. It's what I deserved for being so gullible. I was just a spoilt unsuspecting rich girl who got way in over her head by being impulsive. I couldn't even imagine the pain I caused him. "He probably doesn't have it in himself to inflict pain on you personally."

He said I was the very first woman he'd ever loved and the very first woman to break his heart. He was very rarely honest with me about his feelings. He was practically allergic to being vulnerable, so the moments where he opened up to me were raw and true. As few and far in between as they came, their impact lasted long and had a habit of replaying in my head constantly.

His words were something that I couldn't forget. I watched as Otto walked around me, grabbing some brass knuckles. He walked to the front of me and put them on. "Don't worry, this will all be over soon. He told me not to be too rough if that makes you feel any better."

Taking a deep breath he stared at me for a moment. "This isn't anything personal, I like you, I really do, but you fucked up big time and you know that, so I'll spare you the lecture. What did you tell the cop?" I looked away from him, staring at dirty floor. "I didn't say anything."

I watched as he pulled his fist back and rapidly brought it to my face, almost knocking me out of my seat. My jaw started to throb from the pain and I knew I'd have a bruise soon.

He swung his fist at me again. I braced for impact as I watched the metal collide with my face, making my head feel fuzzy. I could taste blood in my mouth, coming from my lip.

"Don't lie to me, what did you tell the cop." I took a deep breath and bit my cheek, trying to hold back my tears. "I swear to you, I didn't tell him anything. He gave me a necklace that records things and I recorded some things in his office but I destroyed the necklace so there's no way that Edward could've gotten the evidence he needed to put Calix behind bars."

Otto looked at me, and let out a dramatic sigh. "I know he wouldn't want me to go any further than this..." he put back the brass knuckles and walked over to me, patting me on the shoulder.

"I hope you two work things out. I'll try and talk some sense into him." I nodded my head and watched him walk off upstairs. My vision got blurry, and soon I passed out.

Calix's POV

I sat in my office, about to make a call when a knock at the door stopped me. "Come in." Otto opened the door and took a seat in the chair across my desk. He looked at me with concern in his eyes and sighed.

I immediately felt panic rise in me. "Is she okay? What did you do to her? Did you kill her?" He shook his head and let out another sigh. "Why don't you just forgive her?"

Forgive her... forgiving wasn't something I was good at. I wanted to forgive her and start over, but I couldn't. I couldn't even look at her without feeling immense pain in my heart. I wanted to hurt her like she hurt me, but I couldn't bring myself to hurt her with my own hands.

"It hurts Otto, it hurts too much to even look at her. I'm mad and sad all at the same time. I want to get rid of her but I don't want to kill her."

"So you're going to sell her?" I nodded my head In response. "Are you sure you won't regret it? Why not just send her back to her family?" I brought my hands up to my temples and rubbed them, trying to get rid of the headache that was starting to form.

"Because i want her to regret ever betraying me." Otto got up and shook his head. "Love is not for the immature. She probably already feels terrible and regrets what she did. Why don't you just let go of your vengeance, just this once and forgive her." With that he left, closing the door behind him.

He wasn't wrong, but my pain was too overwhelming and intense to just forgive her. I picked up my phone and dialed Dr. Josef. He was my mafias personal medic. "Hey doc, I need you to come by sometime this week. I'm selling someone and i need you to make sure she's in perfect condition.

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